Lake Mills Triathlon: Debra Vaughan
by Deborah Proctor
Lake Mills Triathlon | June 2, 2013: When Debra Vaughan awoke early that morning it was overcast, windy, and cold. But it was a race day, the first triathlon event of the season, and she was ready to go. A couple hours later, she and her friend Beth were standing on the beach at Lake Mills watching the waves as the wind churned them into a frenzy, choppy enough to capsize even the lifeguards' boats.
We caught up with Debra shortly after the race to get her thoughts on the Lake Mills Triathlon and what motivates her to race competitively.
Focal Flame (FFP): When did you start competing in triathlons?
Debra (DV): In 2009, the year my first child was born. My gym wasn’t going to work anymore, so my gym friends and I decided to do Devil’s Challenge as a post partum goal and way to stay together.
FFP: Other than Lake Mills, what other triathlons have you competed in?
DV: Wisconsin Triterium Triathlon (WTT), Devil’s Challenge, and Ironman Branson 70.3. [Editor's Note: The photo of Debra at right is from the 2013 Lake Monona 20KRace.]
FFP: What motivates you to participate in something as challenging as a triathlon?
DV: I participate in sport, in general, to be an example to both my children and also extended family who have started getting in shape after watching me.I can get bored with just “going out for a run” so the triathlon is a good mix of events and...having an event to train for gets me out the door.
FFP: What do you enjoy most about the sport?
DV: Every race morning I wake up wondering why I do this. Every race start I look at the water and think “this is going to be long and hurt” and after every start horn I forget it all and have a great time!You meet so many fun people on race day and only a handful are competitive, the rest of you are swapping stories and helping each other across the finish line.
FFP: What challenges have you had to overcome in order to compete in this sport?
DV: My personal challenge has been learning that I can do much more than I ever thought I could. You have to learn to wrap your mind around that many miles; to prepare for hundreds of different scenarios; to push yourself to get out even if you don’t want to.
FFP: Who/what is your greatest encouragement or support(er)?
DV: My husband, Dave, hands down, especially for the 70.3 which came only 5 months after my son was born. There is no way that race could have been done without him behind me 110%. He not only watches the kids without complaint, he is my coach, my therapist, and my biggest fan.
FFP: The weather for the Lake Mills Tri was pretty nasty causing cancellation of the swim portion for some athletes. How did this affect you personally?
DV: Most of us didn’t get to swim. My friend and I looked at the water and said, “This isn’t our only race (we are signed up for a series of six races this season), we have nothing to prove,” so we went out for a training ride and run on the course instead.
Race organizers,Race Day Events(RDE), cancelled the swim before any of the age group waves.* After we got back we learned we made the same call as the race director, just earlier. I'm glad they made the call. And I was glad we all got to go out even if it wasn’t a true Tri. I don’t pay money, get up that early, and drive an hour just to go home.
FFP: Is there anything else you would like to add?
DV: I am very pleased, overall, with RDE. They put on nice events and have a lot to offer. It has been remarkable of RDE to include awesome race photos in our race fee — pictures mean a lot! I don’t know of any other event that does that for you. I have recently gotten to meet Clint from Focal Flame Photography; now he congratulates me when I cross the finish line, which is fun.
FFP: Will you compete in this event again next year?
DV: Yes! It WAS a very nice course and I look forward to doing the whole thing on a nice day.
* * *
*Behind the Scenes Story: I asked Race Day Events organizers Ryan and Lauren Griessmeyer about the challenging weather conditions the day of the Lake Mills Triathlon. Here is what they and Jon Krupa, President/Owner of Sports Management Associates, Inc.(SMA), in charge of timing the event, had to say.
Race Day Events (RDE): Race day "conditions were difficult (even for the strong swimmers)and many changes happened before the event...The direction of travel through the course was changed to minimize swimming directly into the wind and waves... After four waves of swimmers, 20+ persons rescued from the water, and two capsized lifeguards, the decision was made to cancel the swim to ensure the safety of all participants, lifeguards, and race staff."
Jon Krupa, SMA: Lake Mills created a "unique situation where some participants had already swum while others had not. This was a major record keeping (statistical) challenge because the swim and bike are on the same timers. Fortunately, I had extra equipment along and was able to record non-swim waves separately. The challenge was to merge all the data to make results be as fair as possible under the circumstances while managing the integrity of data."
RDE adds: "SMA is the premier event timing business in the Midwest. Changing the format...during the event causes all kinds of problems for timing and scoring. Jon from SMA... re-formatted the database and scored the event with no major problems and no delays. This is not an easy feat and cannot be done by just anyone. The SMA team saved the accuracy and integrity of the event."
"The right people for the right job," is what Focal Flame Photographer, Clint Thayer, calls RDE and SMA. "The racers could have been sent home, but the team found a way to make things happen and gave them something." Focal Flame Photography is proud to partner with Race Day Events and Sports Management Associates, "can do" companies who make the most of a difficult situation.
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Girls on the Run: Meredith Rhodes Carson on Coaching Confidence
By any measure, there is a need for strong girls in the world. Meeting this need requires guidance from one generation to the next. Arising from humble beginnings as a running and self-empowerment program for thirteen elementary-aged girls in 1996, Girls on the Run has exploded into an international effort involving over 130,000 girls and 55,000 volunteers across over 200 cities. Girls meet twice weekly for 10 to 12 weeks to train for a 5k run and talk about topics ranging from what positive self-image means to how to deal with bullying.
But despite the magnitude of Girls on the Run International, at the local level it all comes down to the individuals who make it happen: volunteer coaches.
One such volunteer is Meredith Rhodes Carson, Girls on the Run coach for a team at Thoreau Elementary School in Madison, Wisconsin. Carson has a tremendous depth and range of experience: PhD-level consulting in explorative geology, professional health coaching for brides-to-be, and mother of two active young children.
Focal Flame Photography writer and co-owner Robyn Perrin recently followed up with Carson about some of her experiences as a Girls on the Run coach.
Robyn Perrin / Focal Flame Photography: For those who aren't familiar with the Girls on the Run (GOTR) program, what's involved in a typical practice?
Meredith Rhodes Carson: GOTR practice is divided into several parts; a brief introduction where we discuss the main topic of the lesson (i.e., healthy eating), a getting on board/warm-up where we explore the topic a bit deeper and get the girls moving by playing a short game (i.e., softball, where they are 'pitched' questions about healthy eating), a quick stretch and strengthening routine, and then the actual workout which involves running/walking laps around the practice area. To wrap up, the girls recognize each other with 'energy awards' and we end with our GOTR cheer.
FFP: What inspired you to become a GOTR coach?
Carson: There are a couple of things that inspired me to become a GOTR coach. When I was growing up, I had some serious issues with self-esteem. I remember going through a funk (which I would call depression today) in middle school; I was bullied on the school bus, I had a hard time finding real friends, and my mom was facing her own demons at the time. Fast forward to today: I'm raising a 9-year-old daughter and I desperately want to make sure she has the tools to deal with the stressors of growing up and the confidence to know that she is awesome and that no one should convince her otherwise. I also wanted to find a way to volunteer in my community - in a way that would help me to grow. Coaching GOTR has been a great learning experience for me.
FFP: What has been the most rewarding aspect of coaching?
Carson: I think that the most rewarding aspect of coaching has been to see the girls change over the course of 10 weeks. I see leaders emerging, I see confidence being gained, I see compassion, I see friends choosing to be in situations that make them happy, I see that many of the girls are learning great things in school and bringing those gifts out to share.
FFP: Has anything about being a GOTR coach been surprising or unexpected?
Carson: I am surprised by how much the girls transport me back to my youth. Some of the conversations that we've had really hit home. Conversations around body image and relationships and missing friends who have moved away... The other coaches and I have been moved to tears after practice remembering what it was like to be in their shoes.
FFP: How has the staff at GOTR-Dane County supported your efforts?
Carson: The staff at GOTR - Dane County are awesome! They have been very supportive, incredibly so. They held new coaches training and first aid sessions to start the season off. They let me sneak another girl onto the team in the early weeks (would have been so hard to turn her away), they make lesson planning a breeze by sending out weekly reminders about what is coming up, they've provided all of the materials for the lessons, and most of all, they've provided individual support to the girls when needed. We were able to provide a great new pair of running shoes to one of the girls on the team. GOTR support is amazing. They are really committed to making this program successful.
FFP: For those considering coaching a GOTR or Girls On Track team in their community, what advice would you share?
Carson: If you are on the edge about becoming a GOTR coach, I would offer this advice. You might approach GOTR coaching as a way for you to grow personally, not with the idea that you don't have what it takes to coach, or that you have nothing to teach the girls, or that you don't know how to run (because it's not a running program). My default state throughout my adult life has been to be sort of scheduled, to play by the book, to plan and maybe to over-plan. Coaching GOTR has enabled me to let loose, to let things happen and unfold, to throw the book away when good things are happening, and to appreciate how each lesson is played out.
While the lessons are literally written out for you, the spontaneity of practice is rewarding. Not to mention that the girls really do value the program... they know me now... It's great to be hugged in the hallways at school. I'll forever be Coach Myrtle.
FFP: How has GOTR influenced the rest of your family?
Carson: I have a jealous little guy at home, who would really like to be a Boy on the Run.
FFP: What do you want the community to know about GOTR?
Carson: I found out about GOTR through a friend - who happens to be a former GOTR coach. We were discussing how to raise a confident daughter (and I really didn't know, as I lost that confidence when I was growing up). My friend said to me, "She needs to do Girls on the Run." She was right. TheGOTR program is designed to give our girls the tools to be positive, to treat themselves well, to understand their emotions, to practice gratitude, to value what's really important, to cooperate, to stand up to peer pressure and bullying, to understand how harmful gossip is, to choose friends that lift you up, and to work together to support their community.
Please join Girls on the Run Dane County for the 2nd Annual Spring 5K on Saturday, June 8 at McKee Farms Park in Fitchburg, WI.
For more stories of ordinary people doing amazing things, follow Focal Flame Photography on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+!
The Cookie Project: Sweet Rewards Along the IronMan Wisconsin Bike Course
by Deb Proctor
From spring slush to the last rustle of frost coated fallen leaves, Jen Anderson and her friends ride the back roads, hills, and valleys of rural Dane County training forIronMan Wisconsin, one of the toughest and most popular IronMan triathlon events in North America. IronMan athletes are a dedicated lot. They have to be — it is not an easy feat to swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, and then run a 26.2-mile marathon all in less than 17 hours (Jen finished in 13:26:53 in 2012.)
To build the stamina and endurance they need for this grueling race, it takes training — lots of training. Jen and her friends bike the steep hills and bank the sharp curves of Southwestern Wisconsin, day in and day out, all summer long.
Yet how does that daily procession of riders affect the people who live on the IronManWI bike course? Sharing the road with a slow-moving, heart pounding, sweat pouring cyclist climbing a steep hill requires patience and tolerance. Yet most drivers slow down, move over, and wait until they reach the top of the hill to pass safely.
To prove her gratitude for the drivers' courtesy, Jen wanted to do something to say thank you. "I wish I could just bake them cookies or something..." she said after one training ride. And thus, The Cookie Project was born. She would bake cookies for all households on the IronMan Wisconsin bike course.
Adding up the numbers however proved a bit overwhelming — 357 addresses; at even a half dozen per household it added up to over 2,100 cookies! That's a lot of cookies! What had Jen gotten herself into?
That is when the miracle of community came to the rescue. The "Love Army," as she dubbed them, made the enormous task possible. The word went out on Facebook and Twitter, and soon the cookies began to pour in —athletes delivered a couple dozen here, 11, 12, even 13 dozen there, from as far away as Milwaukee. Businesses that support triathlon and cycling athletes — Endurance House, Peak Performance Massage, Integrated Sport and Spine and others — joined Focal Flame Photography in spreading the word, acting as cookie drop locations, and even baking cookies.
Soon delivery day was at hand: Memorial Day, May 27. After packaging cookies into bags with a sincere thank-you message attached, Jen and a few friends hopped into her trusty Jeep and started driving their biking route, hanging bags of cookies on rural mailboxes and delivering them to doors. (Jen captured some videoof the delivery day.) The smiles and thank you responses from the residents she personally encountered made all the work worthwhile.
"I am beyond thankful for all the support to help accomplish this," Jen exclaimed when the cookies were delivered. "We are a community bonded together by our passion for the sport and we need to watch out for one another. I would do anything to keep my friends safe out there. If this cookie project was a reminder to a driver to watch out for cyclists and keeps one of the people I love on the road – mission accomplished."
The goodwill created by Jen and her friends' simple act of kindness was evident in the response of one resident who wrote on The Cookie Project blog,"We’ve lived out here nineteen years, and as competitive cycling has gotten more popular in Dane County, I confess I’ve gotten impatient with all the cyclists all summer... But I will remember your thoughtful cookie gift when I see you this summer and be more broad-minded. Thank you!"
Amazing what a difference a few cookies can make!
So will there be cookies for residents again next year? Jen responded, "Based upon the overwhelming positive response from the residents and also the support from the other athletes, I would love to develop a way that this effort can continue annually. Now I’m thinking of how I can incorporate the rest of the course for next year."
Jen added,"My hope is that this project reignited some responsibility and respect from both the drivers and athletes... anyone that helped with this project has been reminded that we athletes have a responsibility to the drivers to be safe and respectful, just as we request the same from the drivers."
Mission accomplished Jen. Well done!
Focal Flame Photography is honored to support heart-warming community initiatives such as The Cookie Project. For more stories about ordinary people doing amazing things, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.
Athlete Profile: Ultramarathon Runner Darren Fortney
Among the approximately 1,200 runners participating in the 35th annual Lake Monona 20K race on May 4, 2013 was an athlete who is preparing for a race that is itself in its 36th year – a race that is legendary among runners worldwide. Middleton, WI runner Darren Fortney has been invited to participate for the third time in the Badwater Ultramarathon, a 135-mile race from Death Valley to Mount Whitney, CA on July 15-17.
Dubbed as “the world’s toughest foot race,” the Badwater Ultramarathon originated in 1977 when solo runner Al Arnold completed the course after two previously failed attempts. Badwater became an organized race in 1987, although to this day it remains completely unsupported – no aid stations, no water, no food…just the runners and their self-organized, self-supporting crews. Athletes rely on training, logistical preparation, and wits to survive temperatures reaching up to 130 degrees F.
Fortney is no stranger to fortitude, as evidenced by a 2010 athlete profile by Focal Flame Photography describing his role in an annual ultraswimmingevent across Lake Mendota named “Gills for Gilda’s.” Charitable donations raised from the Lake Mendota Crossing helped to fund programs for cancer patients and their family at Gilda’s Club.
This year, Fortney is once again raising funds for Gilda’s Club – with a goal of raising $15,000. Focal Flame Photography writer Robyn Perrin caught up with Darren between training sessions to ask him about why he is taking on the challenge again, and what the mission of Gilda’s Club means to him personally.
Focal Flame Photography: As a 2-time Badwater alum, what are your expectations for Badwater in 2013?
Darren Fortney: My goal is really simple this time. It is to work in conjunction with my support crew to fully execute our race plan and run the "smartest" race of our three trips to the desert. I have recently made some modifications regarding my nutrition plan, body management, support team, and overall strategy that I think will ensure some positive results this coming July.
FFP: What made you decide to train for Badwater again?
DF: As one of 90 athletes in the world who are fortunate and healthy enough to be asked to compete, I felt it would be an opportunity missed if I did not once again apply to participate in this amazing event. After battling through some rather serious health issues in 2012, I have once again discovered my passion for running long and pushing my body and mind to new levels. Last fall I competed in the Yellowstone 100-miler and had some decent results. At that point, I know I was back and wanted to give Badwater another run.
FFP: Why did you want to include the Lake Monona 20K as a training event?
DF: I always enjoy the Lake Monona 20K race. Race Day Events puts on an amazing show, not only on the race course, but post-race as well (beer!). I have also found that mixing up various distances and paces helps bring variety to my training and avoids burn-out. I also love the concept of running around an entire lake. How cool is that?
FFP: Tell me in your own words a little bit about your relationship with Gilda's Club - why you are fundraising for the organization, your interactions with the organization, what their work means to you personally.
DF: As a cancer survivor myself, I have a strong desire to give back to the cancer community, especially here in my hometown. I have been involved with Gilda's Club since 2008. I have served on the Board of Directors at Gilda's Club now for about two years and have found not only the organization, but [also] the people to be truly amazing while providing this critical service to those battling this disease. Over the years I have made supporting and fundraising for Gilda's Club part of my life. Leveraging my Badwater experience once again will hopefully result in another successful fundraising campaign. We are once again targeting $15,000!
FFP: From cancer to back surgeries, you've overcome so many physical challenges during your career as a runner. What draws you back to the sport again and again?
DF: Unfortunately, injuries are part of the game, no matter what level runner you are. I am fortunate that my most recent injuries were not directly related to running so my transition from being injured back to running has been easier. I think it also helps that I enjoy running and competing so motivation is not hard. That alone draws me back to the sport. When I am injured, it only serves to remind me how lucky I am to be able to do what I am doing......and makes me work that much harder to take care of my body as best I can.
FFP: What do you want people to know about Gilda's Club?
DF: Cancer can and will affect you at some level in your life. Everyone will eventually need to face this disease on some level in their life, be it a friend, co-worker, family member, or neighbor. Gilda's Club is there for those in need in our community, right here in the Madison area. It is local and that is why I am with them. It offers greatly needed social and emotional support for the entire family. Many people close to me have utilized Gilda's Club and for that we are all thankful. All of its services are provided at NO CHARGE. That alone tells you what kind of a place it is. Fundraising is a critical part of Gilda's Club success and I am grateful to have so many wonderful people in my life to help contribute fundraisers such as the Badwater campaign.
To contribute to Darren Fortney’s fund for Gilda’s Club, visit Donations of $25 or more made before July 13 will qualify for a $10 coupon off Mizuno shoes and an entry for a grand prize. Focal Flame Photography is proud to support Darren Fortney’s efforts at the 2013 Badwater Ultramarathon.
IRONMAN WI: Michael Thompson Gets it Done
by Kim Rankin
“Strong and steady” were the words Madison, WI photographer Clint Thayer used to describe theIronMan WI performance of custom sports photography client Michael Thompson. “He never stopped, but just kept going.”
When Thompson crossed the finish line Sunday night, a support team of family and friends were there to meet him. Not letting himself or his team down was Thompson’s motivating goal from the beginning.
“I know there are going to be spots that will be crappy,” shared Thompson before the race.“I’m not obsessed with how long it takes. It’s a matter of getting it done. When I get to that point when I don’t want to go, when my body says I can quit… I don’t want to be the person who says, 'I couldn’t find a way to overcome.'”
The desire to overcome life's challenges is something Thompson shares with his brother, Chris, who has battled cancer. “My brother told me his personal goal is to be able to stand up out of his wheelchair unaided as I cross the finish line. He’s going to be there to give me a hug. So when I’m out there on the course, and I don’t want to move forward, I’m going think of him, of how he struggles to get up out of his wheelchair. I’ll go forward. I'll get to the end.”
Going forward is something Thompson did amazingly well all day Sunday. His performance on the bike was especially outstanding. “He flew!,” said Thayer as he narrated Thompson's IronMan through the lens. Thompson entered the 112 mile bike leg of the race ranked 280th in his age division. He left his bike ranked 191st. While reporting from the course, Thayer said “He is passing people like crazy. He came over the climb at Midtown looking strong and digging deep.” Thompson wrapped up the day with an equally strong marathon, averaging eleven minute miles.
Thompson’s road to IronMan WI 2012 started with a run five years ago. He did the CrazyLegs Classic, an 8-km race, with a group of friends - motivated primarily by the free beer at the end. “I started big, fat, and lazy,” he said, “but realized after running a bit with a buddy that I was losing weight. Hanging out and running with friends encouraged more interest [in sports].”
Thompson entered his first marathon in 2007. He completed two triathlons in 2009, the Lake Mill Sprint and the Olympic distance race of the Wisconsin Triterium in Verona. In 2011, Thompson completed the IronMan 70.3 Racine in just over six hours. His girlfriend, Jodi Hemp, was also instrumental. Hemp and Thompson have been together for over ten years. "She encouraged me to sign up for IronMan WI," said Thompson. "Without her support every day, I would not have made it."
Thompson’s buddies took that encouragement and created a goal. Travis Welch (Ironman WI 2008), Shawn Killebrew (Ironman WI 2009) and Brett Fenner (Ironman WI 2010) were vital to Thompson’s motivation and training for Sunday’s event. “We talk daily. We run or bike every time we're together,”said Thompson. Jessica Laufenberg of SBR Coaching was also instrumental in Thompson’s preparation, planning every workout from December 2011 until IronMan Wisconsin on Sunday, September 9, 2012.
“Anyone who says they do this by themselves is lying," said Thompson. "Everything your support team says and does every day makes it easier or harder to reach the goal.”
Congratulations to IRONMAN Michael Thompson, his brother Chris, and Team Thompson for turning goals into reality!
For more stories about dedicated athletes fueled by passion and determination, join Focal Flame Photography onFacebook, Twitter, and Google +!
Training for a sporting event? Ask us about custom sports photography - we'd be honored to help document your journey.
Nathan Labecki: Cyclocross Photography at the National Art Museum of Sport
By Robyn M. Perrin
Walking through the National Art Museum of Sport evokes an odd sensation. Wherever the eye gazes, it is met with images of athletes – sprinting, swimming, hurling javelins, launching themselves into full-body tackles. Amidst so much motion, it hardly seems appropriate to stand in stillness and take in the colors and textures of the human figure.
Hugging one wall of an exhibit named “Speed and Motion: Racing to the Finish Line,” a fine art photograph is displayed as a five-foot-by-nearly-four-foot canvas. Entitled “Focus,” it shows a cyclocross racer. The compositional elements include strong lines and angles: an oblique tree trunk frames the right side, a slash of red barrier tape provides a directional blaze, and bike handlebars tilt to support the rider’s powerful pedal strokes. Mud draws the viewer’s attention. It is spattered across everything – glasses, bike components, helmet, face.
And that face itself is a study in determination. Gazing at the path ahead, the rider is fully immersed in the throes of competition. His entire figure is poised to explode with forward momentum. A competitor is visible a mere bike length behind him.
Who is the subject of the photo? None other than Nathan Labecki, an up-and-coming cyclist from Milwaukee, WI. Labecki was in the fall semester of his senior year of high school when the photograph was made by Clint Thayer in September, 2011. Nathan’s love for cycling was encouraged by his father, Jay Labecki, who shares a passion for the sport. Throughout Nate’s high school years, father and son had trained together and traveled to race after race – not only in cyclocross, the human steeplechase of the cycling world in which riders traverse unpaved courses and carry their bikes over obstacles – but also road cycling and mountain biking.
“There’s never a bad day on a bike,” said Jay, while describing Nathan’s experiences at the USA Cycling Cyclo-Cross National Championships in Madison in January, 2012. The Championships were plagued with an unusual warm spell that made the course the consistency of modeling clay, followed by a cold snap that left stone-hard 3-inch-deep ruts. Nathan started the day intending to race on tubular tires, a type of racing tire that is glued directly into the rim – fast, but leaving no options to swap the tube if the tire flats. The tires did flat, but thankfully during the warm-up.
“It worked out,” said the elder Labecki. “He’s a strong rider.”
Strong, indeed. Nathan spent the spring of 2012 racing in Belgium. “He had a good series of races,” said his father. “He took a 3rd place in one of the races, a 4th in a field sprint in one of the other races, and led his teammates out for several good finishes.”
Nathan spent the rest of the summer competing in the U.S. and Canada against some of the fastest juniors in the world. Jay Labecki said that during the Tour of America’s Dairyland, Nathan “…was on the podium everyday, won the Downer Avenue race, and in the end took the overall yellow jersey for the Junior series.”
It’s no wonder that Labecki was recruited by Marian University – which, like the National Art Museum of Sport, is located in Indianapolis. Marian runs one of the most competitive cycling programs in America. Now, nearly a year after “Focus” was taken, Labecki is racing at the collegiate level for the first time. He is planning on racing at upcoming National Championships in multiple disciplines, including track, mountain biking, cyclocross, BMX, and possibly road cycling.
When asked about his thoughts on his son leaving for college, Nathan’s father paused for a moment. “We’ve biked together for so many years,” he shared. Although he is overjoyed at his son’s successes, “When he leaves for Marian, it’s not only a matter of seeing my son leave the nest. I’m also losing my training partner.”
But, in “Focus,” the intensity of Nathan’s competitive spirit as a junior rider on a brilliant autumn day remains forever frozen in time.
Editor’s Note: “Focus” is one of six works that have been displayed at the National Art Museum of Sport. All are available for purchase. A portion of the proceeds supports the museum.
Active Lifestyle through Life's Seasons: Dr. Douglas Kramer
by Kim Rankin
When Douglas Kramer woke up from knee surgery on May 27, 2010, he expected to be on his feet within a day. The veteran triathlete had been experiencing knee pain for about a year and anticipated an uncomplicated meniscus tear repair. Post surgery reports told a different story - one that would require some modification to Doug’s lifelong commitment to being active.
Kramer started running in 1972, influenced by Kenneth Cooper’s books on the importance of aerobic exercise. He was in the Navy at the time and running “...became a part of who I was and the lifestyle I wanted to live,” said Kramer. He took up cross-country skiing, backpacking, hiking, and swimming in addition to running. Over the span of twenty-six years - beginning at the age of 40 -Kramer participated in more than sixty triathlons. He is a six-time participant in the Olympic length distance of the Wisconsin Triterium Triathlon held each year in Verona. Focal Flame Photography has provided event photography services for the Triterium since 2011.
“The Triterium is rated as the toughest Olympic tri in the Midwest,” said Kramer. “It’s a big deal to finish it. The race has some of the worst hills you’ll ever see and you do them a couple of times,” he said, referring to the looped bike course. Kramer completed in the Triterium Olympic annually from 2004 to 2009. But the looming knee pain and subsequent surgery stopped his running career. “I sheared off a piece of articular cartilage the size of a quarter from the end of my femur. I was not supposed to run anymore.”
Kramer had some decisions to make. He was in the middle of closing his Madison-based medical practice as a child psychiatrist. Being unable to exercise in the ways common to him was a severe blow. “Staying active was part of who I am,” Kramer said. “Not being able to exercise and live that lifestyle propelled me to get into speed walking.”
Following his orthopedist’s counsel to not push off the left leg with a bent knee, Kramer set out in what he soon learned was an even more difficult sport than running. “I get a better training heart rate speed walking than I was getting running the same courses. It’s not a bad thing at my age,” said the sixty-seven year old retired physician. “More people should transition from running into speed walking.”
While the shift from running to speed walking has prevented knee pounding and trauma, it has hardly slowed Kramer down. His 2012 results for his seventh Triterium were only ten-minutes off his 2009 time. And he’s competed in three triathlons this year. His favorite race? The Kickapoo Reserve Dam Challenge and paddling the solo canoe route seven miles down the winding Kickapoo River.
Kramer’s love of the outdoors and pursuit of an active lifestyle isn’t isolated to well laid-out courses in the Midwest. He and his son Will are graduates of the Boulder Outdoor Survival School’s (BOSS) Hunter Gatherer course – a nine-day adventure into Utah’s desert canyons with only the clothes on one’s back. Drinking from pools of rainwater and fishing by hand were just two ways Doug lived out the course motto: “Know more, carry less.”
Having pushed his body to the extremes of BOSS and countless other events, Doug’s reflections on an active lifestyle are heartfelt. “Every year I get older, there are fewer people participating in my age group. Why are there just four people in the 65 and older group?” he said. Referring back to his new sport of speed walking and his comeback at the 2012 Triterium, he said, “There is no reason everybody can’t be doing this!”
Focal Flame Photography applauds athletes like Dr. Douglas Kramer. Athletes who get out and participate in sporting activities for the passion of being active. Athletes who adjust to the seasons of the year and the seasons of life by finding ways to stay active. Keep it up, Doug!
Interested in more stories about athletes in the Midwest and beyond? Join Focal Flame Photography on Facebook,Twitter, or Google+!
Madison Police Department Service Team: IronMan Wisconsin Athletes Honor 9/11
For Lori Anderson, known to her friends as Lori Lu, the decision to train for the 2011 Ford IronMan Wisconsin rested on one simple fact: race day would occur on 9/11/2011, the 10th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. "I have the privilege of being part of a team of athletes that will honor this day and the lives lost," wrote Anderson. As a Detective with 11.5 years of service for the Madison Police Department, Anderson decided to participate in the service team. A seasoned triathlete, she had completed other half-IronMan distance events, but this would be her first attempt at the full IronMan.
For several other members of the Madison Police Department, 9/11/2011 was an occasion to mark as well. "There are 13 Madison Police Department officers (Patrol, Detectives, Investigators, Lieutenants, and Captain) on the service team," said Anderson. As colleagues juggling demanding schedules, some trained for the race together, but most trained independently. Although preparing for such an intense race throughout the season requires countless hours spent in solitude and sweat, Police Officer Linda Baehmann felt deeply positive about her training regime. Baehmann wrote, "My favorite things about training for an Ironman are being outside and enjoying our beautiful state, appreciating the opportunity to be physically active, meeting new athletes, and adhering to a motto I try to throughout my life is being better today than yesterday."
The World Triathlon Corporation reserved 150 registration slots for police, fire, and EMS athletes who will be participating in the 2011 Ford IronMan Wisconsin. Athletes in this category were offered priority during registration, low bib numbers (45-199), a specially designated transition area located next to the pro triathlete transition, and will wear specially designated royal blue bib numbers.
On a deeply emotionally significant anniversary of 9/11, Anderson summed up her thoughts: "I will be thinking of ALL of the families who lost loved ones, that day. They are still suffering, still coping, still surviving!"
For Baehmann, the dedication to fellow police officers serves as inspiration through the most difficult moments in training and competition. "The thing that keeps me going during an event, especially when things aren't going as planned, is the thought of my fellow police officers that I am responsible for training," wrote Baehmann. "I try to lead by example. I tell them to never quit, especially when we are talking about fighting for their lives, so how can I possibly quit something so 'easy' as a triathlon. They are my motivation."
On the Thursday prior to the race, the 13 members of the Madison Police Department IronMan Service Team gathered for group photos. Focal Flame Photographer Clint Thayer photographed them as the early evening sun reflected off the the Wisconsin State Capitol building. "It was such a pleasure and an honor to work with these athletes," said Thayer. "My stepfather was a police officer, so I have a lot of memories of the camaraderie and fellowship that develops among fellow cops."
An impromptu humorous moment developed during the photo session when a police officer on patrol who was not part of the team or the photo shoot happened to drive by the group. "I asked the Service Team athletes if there was any way we could ask the officer to bring the cruiser up so it could be included in the photo," said Thayer. The officers laughed, quickly motioned to their colleague, and explained the situation. "I saw her smile, nod, and then the next thing I knew she put the car into gear and popped the curb. Having the cruiser as a backdrop was utterly perfect. There were also a few laughs and Blues Brother movie references to 'cop shocks,'" said Thayer.
Anderson has kept a blog describing her IronMan Wisconsin training and is raising funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in honor of her husband, a cancer survivor. In the last days before the race, her mind is filled with the encouragement of friends and family, many of whom have written testimonials on her blog. "I’m not terribly confident that I will finish, but I’m proud of what I have accomplished already and I’m looking forward to the event," wrote Anderson.
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Cyclocross Mag and Focal Flame Profile Cyclocross Champion Logan Owen
Some days start out in an ordinary fashion. And some days, the ordinary moment changes in an instant when an email or phone call comes through. Which is why a photographer always needs to have gear ready and batteries charged, right?
And that’s exactly what happened on a summer day in July when Clint Thayer of Focal Flame Photography was contacted by Josh Liberles, editor of Cyclocross Magazine, with an assignment to cover junior cycling phenom Logan Owen, 16 years old, from Bremertown, WA.
Winner of an unprecedented six national cyclocross titles, Owen was in Wisconsin for the Tour of America’s Dairyland road cycling series, racing in the pro/1/2 category with the Hagens Berman cycling team from Washington State.
“Logan Owen made a splash early on - he took second place in the first National Championship he ever competed in. That was also the first 'cross RACE he'd ever done, so pretty impressive stuff,” wrote Liberles. “So I became aware of him, as well as some of the other really talented Junior and Masters racer just over the past few years, I'd say.”
It would be impossible not to take notice of Owen, considering that he started racing BMX…at age 4. A multi-talented athlete, he holds multiple National Championship titles in not just cyclocross, but also BMX and outdoor and indoor inline skating. He's been invited to train at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs for both road cycling and inline skating.
Thayer had a chance to catch up with Owen at the Greenbush Road Race to shoot some off-bike portraits as well as pre-race coverage. “We had arranged the shoot in advance, and as I pulled up to the team I said, ‘Coach, how long do I have with him?’ The coach barked out, ‘Fifteen minutes, tops.’”
With a shy smile and red hair styled into a slight spike, Owen warmed to the camera. “It was so much fun to work with him,” said Thayer. “He’s just beginning to grab the attention of the press, and it was a real honor to be among the first photographers to profile him.”
Liberles, author of the article, echoed Thayer’s sentiments. When asked what drew him to Owen’s story, Liberles wrote, “…his self awareness and his approach. He's also just a cool kid, and he has tons of potential; it was a treat to get to know him and his family.”
With cyclocross season just around the corner and the sport becoming seriously big in the Midwest, the locals in Madison are looking forward to welcoming Owen back for Nationals, which will be hosted in Madison, WI on January 4-8, 2012.
Cyclocross Magazine can’t wait, either. “Nationals is always a big focus for our publication,” wrote Liberles. “We combine online coverage before, during and after [the races] with really cool comprehensive looks at the event in our print magazine. We've celebrated each and every winner, from the 9 to 10-year-old Juniors, to Elites, to 70+ year-old Masters, with a profile for the past 4 editions of Nationals. This year we may shake things up a bit, but you can count on our Nats coverage being something you won't want to miss!”
Interested in Cyclocross Magazine Issue 13, dubbed by CX fans as ‘Lucky 13’? Subscribe or order online, or visit your local bookstore or cyclocross-friendly bike shops nationwide.
And be sure to follow Focal Flame Photography for some sweet coverage of the local races this season. But bring your cowbell. And prepare to get muddy.
To follow these and other stories, join the Focal Flame Photography Facebook page and follow us on Twitter!
- Post authored by Focal Flame Photography writer Robyn M. Perrin
Ferociously Dedicated: Arrietta Walker Clauss
When you meet Arrietta Clauss, ask her about her five children. Her eyes will brighten. Contagious, irrepressible laughter will echo as she shares stories gleaned from the zaniness of zone defense parenting. Her offspring are now grown and scattered from Wisconsin to Singapore, but they are still very much present in the lives of Arrietta and her husband, Allen.
Having shifted from a career as a chemist in the consumer-products industry to being a stay-at-home mom for sixteen years, she will be plainspoken about the challenges of raising a family even as celebration of her children shines through in every sentence. She will tell you about lost cell phones and annual Christmas letters in which she and Allen mercilessly tease each child in turn, to mutual delight. She will describe living abroad with the family in China and Japan for seven years. She will share parenting advice, saying, “Our objective in raising the kids was to give them as much independence as possible. It was theirs to lose.” She will stop mid-sentence and shake her head slightly at her good fortune, saying simply, “I’ve really had a charmed life.”
And then, ask her about sports. Watch her hands become animated when she describes her 2010 competitive cycling season or her longstanding devotion to swimming. Then, watch her become still and lean forward with deliberateness, quietly sharing a fundamental truth: “You have to have your own thing. It can be music, photography, whatever. That's what sports was for me. You have to have something that centers you.”
A lifelong athlete, Arrietta competed in swimming from an early age. She continued to swim competitively throughout all of her pregnancies and well into her childrens’ high school years. “My mom’s first sport was swimming, and most of our summer days as children were spent at the YMCA outdoor pool. My mom would get her workout in and then we would spend the rest of the day by the pool,” wrote Anna Clauss, age 26. “I am pretty sure that swimming is what kept my mom sane with 5 crazy kids in the house.” Rider Clauss, 24, wrote, ”She had previously been a masters national champion in swimming when we were all young children. She then started swimming competitively again when I was in high school and set just about every masters record in Wisconsin.” But by 2002 or 2003, Arrietta’s continuation in competitive swimming would have meant traveling to meets every weekend – and this was increasingly difficult given the younger Clauss’ forays into athletics. (Four out of five children would eventually compete in swimming or running at the collegiate level.) When she developed a shoulder injury, it sealed the deal. Competitive sports was off the plate for a while.
Which is not to say that Arrietta's interest in sports ever waned. Rider Clauss recalled a memory from his senior year of high school when he ran on the cross country team, writing, "Before every meet, as part of the warm-up, the team would jog the race course with our coach. As we ran, Coach would give us our race mom, loving all things sports, wanted in on this...While all the other cross country moms were in the parking lot drinking coffee and sharing team gossip, my mom was out jogging the course with the team trying to learn more about the upcoming race. To date, I think she is the only team mom ever to warm-up with the team."
And when Allen and Arrietta marked their 25th anniversary, they wanted the celebration to involve both travel and time with their children. So in 2004, they signed up for a family bicycling vacation through the Loire Valley, France, capped off with cheering on Lance Armstrong's sixth win of the Tour de France.
Never mind that, in Arrietta's words, "We knew nothing about biking."
Despite this the family quickly fell into a cycling rhythm, with Allen and Arrietta splitting up sheparding duties to make sure that everyone finished the day's miles without mishap. Arrietta said, "It was just - the scenery was beautiful. We had a fun time as a family. It was something that Allen and I could do together. We liked it." Arthur Clauss, 21, wrote, "My favorite moment on the trip was when my brother and I took off from the rest of the family during the last fifteen mile stretch after along day of cycling. Although I could tell it pained my mother, she stayed back and rode at a leisurely pace with our sisters." Alluding to Arrietta's competitive side, Arthur continued, "It is not like my mother, despite the fact that we are younger and stronger, to ever let us beat her easily."
Upon returning to Madison, Arrietta and Allen decided to seek out more opportunities to bike together. They became regulars at the Wednesday Night Bike Ride series, which has a local reputation as being fast-paced. They enjoyed the time spent together, the rural scenery, the camaraderie, and the realization that they could in fact keep up with some of the swiftest riders.
But it wasn't perhaps quite the bonding experience that they had expected, because as it turned out, Arrietta could more than hold her own. She could sprint away from the pack - at will. "I mean, she was dropping a lot of guys from the tough bike rides, including me," said Allen. After a lifetime of aerobic training, it became evident that Arrietta had some serious biking chops. Demurely, she recalled, "All of a sudden it got very intriguing."
While some spouses might invest in flowers, Allen decided to splurge on a professional bike fitting and a VO2 max test for his wife's birthday present. The results of the testing left them dumbfounded. "She was off the charts for all women," said Allen. "And then we started to go to the male charts. And we started going down in age groups. And she would be a normal 15-19 year old male [based on] her VO2 max." Recalling their dawning realization, Allen said, "So then we started going back and saying, well she's got some real, natural talent, both genetic and honed by years and years of endurance workouts - she's got some incredible capacity."
They began to dedicate increasing time and resources to the sport of cycling, and Arrietta sought out professional coaching. She also began setting competitive goals and relying on the self-discipline that had served her not only through collegiate swimming and rowing, but years of parenting. "I don't know many people that I've met in my life who have the regimen and discipline that she has," said Allen. Echoing this sentiment, Eulalia "Layla" Clauss, 23, wrote, "She does not take any short cuts, but diligently pays her dues on the bike day in and day out, never losing sight of what she wishes to accomplish."
By the start of the 2010 season, she was working with coach Gordy Paulson and had decided to focus on time trials, the "race of truth" format that pits each rider against the clock. With all five children in college or living on their own, she also had for the first time in many years the ability to focus on her own personal goals. In her entry into the Focal Flame Photography "Honoring the Athlete" contest, her nominator stated, "Now she has time and tonnes of energy for her own training. She is training for Master's Nationals to be held in Louisville in Aug. - and I think she is going to win!! She is a tough, competitive woman with a big smile!"
Training six days a week for up to two and a half hours at a stretch, Arrietta carefully worked up to the USA Cycling Masters National Championship held during the first week of August. "This year, I went with a purpose, which was to win," said Arrietta. During pre-race preparation, she spent six hours studying every landmark on the time trial and road race courses. "I really studied [the time trial] course," said Arrietta. "It was a straight out, 180 degrees turn, and coming back, with some hills." She reviewed race strategy with Paulson. "This was the first Nationals that I had my coach there, and Gordy was familiar with the courses and could tell me even what gear to be in on some of the hills, which was helpful," said Arrietta. She also looked over her cycling equipment meticulously, and was grudgingly convinced by fellow cyclist Jeff Otto to change her wheels not long before the time trial. "He was saying, 'This equipment is better. It will give you a few watts.'" Concerned about the possibility of flatting a new tire, she insisted that Paulson change the tubes.
On August 3, the date of the time trial, the temperature climbed well into the 90s while racers launched themselves from the starting chute and hurtled into the heat. And for 29 minutes and 50.27 seconds, Arrietta drew on months of training, hours of pre-race preparation, a lifetime of exercising and relentless willpower. As results rolled in, a dream was realized. Arrietta Clauss was the new USA Cycling Master's Time Trial National Champion, clocking in at a hair under 25 miles per hour and setting a pace faster than any age group competitors, male or female, who raced the 20 km distance (all women age 55 and up, and all men age 65 and up).
The next day she competed in the road race, medaling again with a second-place finish in a mentally grueling race. Joined by her nearest competitor, Ann Marie Miller of New York, Arrietta attacked off the front to break away from the field on the third lap. "And then, [Ann Marie] continued to accelerate, and that was my breaking moment, when I thought, 'She's stronger, I'm not, I'm going to get second and she's going to get first,'" said Arrietta. "And then for the next three laps, we time trialed it." Miller finished two minutes ahead of Arrietta, followed by a minute-and-a-half gap until the third place finisher.
Photographer Clint Thayer caught up with Arrietta at her last race of the 2010 season, the Mid-America Time Trial Series Finale in Garden Prairie, IL on September 18. Though Arrietta had intended to finish the season with the ABR State Championship Time Trials, a death in the extended family prevented participation. The MATTS Finale gave one last opportunity to not only launch into full flight, but also to race an event along with her husband Allen and end the season on a high note.
On race morning, drizzles crescendoed in dramatic fashion when a fast-moving thunderstorm brought lightning, high winds, and in the words of the race director, "buckets of rain". The race continued over a 35-kilometer course. Slate-colored skies provided dramatic backdrop for Arrietta, who bowed over her bike into the wind, tires mirrored on water-slicked asphalt. Thayer recalled, "At one point I had moved ahead on the course, and had about thirty seconds to set up a shot before Arrietta would pass. Fifteen seconds before she arrived, I heard a ZIP-POP-HISSSSS then BOOOOM that literally shook the ground. I looked up at the top of a telephone pole not more then 10 to 15 feet from me and I saw the line had snapped - it was sparking and flying in different directions." Thayer turned his attention back to Arrietta, took the shot in a dead downpour, and continued. Despite the fact that the MATTS Finale was not a primary competitive objective, and despite the conditions - or, perhaps, because of them - the images show Arrietta at her most elemental: focused, relentless, and ferocious. In the end, Arrietta took overall women's first place. Allen also had a rewarding race with a fourth place finish for his age group.
When asked to comment on Arrietta's qualities and approach to athletics, her coach Gordy Paulson said, "Apart from her obvious physical gifts as an extraordinary athlete, Arrietta has a level of determination and commitment to both her training and competition that are unmatched. When Arrietta sets her mind to accomplish something, she approaches it with fervor, intellect, and passion. When Arrietta has done her training and preparation, by the time she lines up at the start, she has already got the race won." Rider Clauss expressed similar observations. "I guess I wasn't really surprised that my mom won the time trial at nationals," wrote Rider. "She seems to be able to accomplish whatever she puts her mind to. She has an amazing combination of athletic ability, discipline in training and competitive drive." Anna Clauss wrote, "I do not know anyone else who approaches life with as much energy as my mother. She even dusts as if her life depended on it (which set a pretty high standard for Saturday morning chores)."
When asked what she hoped to share with her children as a result of her cycling endeavors, Arrietta flashed a quick smile and answered readily. "When you put time into something, and effort into something, you can achieve great things," she said. "You don't have to be limited by your age." And her family? They've taken notes. "She has demonstrated that it is never too late to go after one's passion," wrote Arthur Clauss, 21. "No one expected a biking career to emerge from a leisure family cycling trip through France, but it did." Warren Clauss, Arthur's twin brother, wrote, "She has inspired me. Inspired me not to give up on my passions despite where I am in life or amidst all the obstacles that I am up against. That good will flourish from hard work, drive, and heart. And it is never too late to seek your goals." And when asked what one thing he would want to tell Arrietta about her sporting endeavors, her partner of so many years, Allen, simply said - quietly, and with clearly evident emotion - "I think I would say that you're a great role model. Your kids are really proud to have you as their mom."
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