Moms Who Tri: Part 2
Debra, Krista, Bridget, and Brianne are all mothers who participate in triathlons. With children ranging in age from a few months to eight years old, these busy moms have many stories about finding joy in endurance sports while simultaneously tending to the next generation…and advice for others who would like to “Tri” it. We first followed their story in Part 1 of Moms Who Tri; here, we learn more tips about balancing athletic pursuits with parenting.
Triathlete Debra Vaughan calls this photo "happy bike." (c) 2015 Focal Flame Photography | Photo credit: Will Hughes.
Debra, Krista, Bridget, and Brianne are all mothers who participate in triathlons. With children ranging in age from a few months to eight years old, these busy moms have many stories about finding joy in endurance sports while simultaneously tending to the next generation…and advice for others who would like to “Tri” it. We first followed their story in Part 1 of Moms Who Tri; here, we learn more tips about balancing athletic pursuits with parenting.
Brianne with her kids after completing an indoor triathlon. Photo courtesy of Brianne Pitts.
Brianne Pitts and Bridget Kudrle both take an innovative approach to their training: they include their kids. Brianne describes how her children help clean the bikes or lay out workout clothes and how they “try to hustle us for treats on the way home”from gym nights. She also runs with them, saying, "I've been pushing my son and daughter both in a running stroller since they were tiny, and I'm proud to say they both still will humor me and go for a run (even a long one)." Running with a double-wide stroller with "me huffing and puffing behind," Brianne and her children sing the ABCs, play 'I Spy," and have "a grand old time" - often stopping for ice cream or play time at parks. "A short run usually turns into a tour of our town, with lots of detours to the library, grocery store, or park," she says.
Brianne even recommends getting “those little shopping hooks you can get at baby stores. Hook those babies on the stroller – you can [also] get a weeks’ worth of groceries to fit!”
Bridget includes her kids on her training runs too, by doing one mile loops close to home and allowing the kids to run along. She also loves their family bike rides together, saying, "I like it despite the reality. The reality is that when you ride bikes with children it is like riding with someone who has a mood disorder and they swing up and down in rapid 10-15 minute cycles." She explained, "Bike rides generally begin with my son feeling on top of the world. He is peddling fast, hard, and naming his speed. He has comet speed, lightning speed, laser speed, etc. Ten minutes in, he is breathless and wants to slow. Then his sunglasses or helmet are bothering 20 minutes in he is thirsty or his sock itches. At 25 min in he is whining about how we 'made' him go on a bike ride and we keep 'lying' to him about being almost done. And so on...."
By the end, though, she assures that he forgets all of the negative aspects of the ride and instead brags about how many miles he biked.
Debra Vaughan started her triathlon career not long after her first child was born, and she kept continuing on after her second child arrived, describing her first race back as a “successful failure.” She explained, "The baby was less than three months old. I had set my goals really high to do a Half Ironman before he was six months old. So I had to get in my first Olympic distance. The swim was horrible; the hills on the bike were hard and the run was….hot." Since this was the first time Debra had attempted an Olympic-distance race, she participated in the novice wave to allow more time on the course. "I’m glad I did," she said. "I think I came in second to last overall. It was the first time I had ever needed to fuel during a race and I just...didn’t. But I finished." After the race was over, Debra collapsed in the shade. Then, her husband asked, “Did I just hear them call your name?” She said, "Turns out I got third (out of three, of course) in my division and had a medal waiting for me. [The organizers] asked him, 'Where is she?' And he responded, 'Over there, feeding our three month-old.' They gave him the medal without any more questions." It was the first time Debra had ever placed at a race in her entire life. She was delighted, saying "Sure, I was 3 out of 3, and almost last place overall, but I learned a lot that day...It was the first race Clint [founder of Focal Flame Photography] ever captured of me, and I’m glad it has all been better since!"
Bridget finishing strong at Pardeeville. Photo credit Will Hughes, Focal Flame Photography (c) 2015.
Krista getting pre-race assistance from her husband. Photo courtesy of Krista Willing.
If you are a mom who wants to try a tri…all four of these moms encourage you to do it. Bridget advises, “Take the risk; you are worth it." Brianne acknowledges that “…you might feel out of your league, ” but that “Triathlon allows me to push myself, appreciate the outdoors, and helps get the craziness of life out…all those worries melt away when you're just trying to keep up.” For Krista it isn’t about racing, “it’s about what you learn about yourself as a person in the process of getting ready to race.”
And Debra reminds everyone that, “It doesn’t matter how you get to the start line. In the end, this isn’t really about triathlon. It’s about taking care of yourself, about taking care of the person that takes care of your kids and your family. Being any kind of athlete, knowing that you are worth the time and effort that you put into your fitness and mental health, while still handling the mountain of other things that you have to do as a mom: that makes you awesome.”
- by Suellen Adams
Moms Who Tri : Part 1
Being adept at juggling competing tasks and demands for attention are inherent in the job description for motherhood. So perhaps it's only natural that triathlon is a draw for mothers who are also athletes. In this two-part series, we hear more about the personal stories of Madison, Wisconsin-area Moms who Tri.
Brianne finishes strong at the Lake Mills Triathlon. (c) 2015 Focal Flame Photography | Photo credit: Ed Esmao on behalf of Focal Flame Photography
Being adept at juggling competing tasks and demands for attention are inherent in the job description for motherhood. So perhaps it's only natural that triathlon is a draw for mothers who are also athletes. In this two-part series, we hear more about the personal stories of Madison, Wisconsin-area Moms who Tri.
Brianne Pitts is currently an instructional coach in an area K through 5th grade school with a passion for teaching and learning. She is also pursuing a PhD in curriculum and instruction at UW Madison. As if that were not enough, she is also the mother of two children, whom she describes as “lovely people”: a daughter who is three, and a son who is six and a half (Brianne explains, "the half is important to him").
Bridget Kudrle, who describes herself as an “accidental triathlete,” is an elementary art teacher who enjoys reading and painting (something she doesn’t get to do enough of lately). She spends her summers renewing friendships, refinishing second hand furniture, and enjoying triathlon season. Of course she also enjoys time spent in the summer with her kids, a boy and a girl, now ages eight and five.
Debra Vaughan describes herself as a woman of many passions, including travel, music, family and home. While there hasn’t been much time to travel lately, there has been time to camp and hike with the family (where her two children aged seven and four are encouraged to get dirty). She currently works in accounting, but life changes have lead her to a greater focus on her family and herself, and so she will be taking a career sabbatical soon.
Krista on the run. (c) 2014 Focal Flame Photography | Photo credit: Clint Thayer
Bridget on the bike at the Sugar River Triathlon. (c) 2015 Focal Flame Photography | Photo credit: Mark Olson on behalf of Focal Flame Photography
Krista Willing is Director of Fiscal Management of Wisconsin Medicaid, which means dealing with billion dollar budgets and numerous related programs. She likes to read, run and travel in whatever spare time she has. That time may be a little limited at the moment with the arrival of her son a few months ago, along with the needs of an active three-and-a-half-year-old daughter.
Bridget and Krista are both relatively new to triathlon, participating mostly in sprint distance races. Bridget started as a cyclist, Krista as a runner. Debra is in her eighth season and has done every distance except the full IronMan, and she is training for that now. Brianne completed IronMan Wisconsin last year and “loved every minute of it.”
Each of these moms started triathlon in a different way. For Debra it was a way to reconnect with gym friends after her first child was born. Bridget and Krista both started after their husbands became involved in the sport. Brianne started at the suggestion of a woman in an aerial acrobatics class she was taking, and did her first Super Sprint without much training. In fact, she was so inexperienced that when she found her running shoes didn’t fit in the pedal cages on her bike, she biked in a nice pair of black dress flats!
Debra out of the swim. (c) 2015 Focal Flame Photography | Photo credit: Clint Thayer
When asked about the challenges of being a mom who does triathlons, all four agree that the biggest challenge is finding a balance between training, family and work. As Brianne says, “I often feel guilty. Someone or something is missing out on my time a lot. I’m still working on finding the right balance.” For Debra it means “also making sure my husband gets his own time, since he watches the kids while I’m out, and that we get our own time. Date night is a must.” But Bridget points out that the despite the time management challenge, “I deserve time to focus on me. It isn’t a gift; I’m entitled to it. It is okay to prioritize yourself without guilt.”
And the rewards are worth it. One of the biggest of these is the feeling that they are modeling a healthy lifestyle for their children. Krista says one of the best benefits of triathlon is “…the excitement on your kids’ faces as you run by them,” and “hearing your daughter tell her friends that she can’t wait to run a race someday.” Debra echoes this sentiment, saying, “I enjoy hearing my kids talk about a healthy lifestyle and being willing participants in it.” Brianne and her husband include their children in their training when they can, reporting that “it has been a really exciting notion that physical health could be a value we pass on to our kids.”
These moms also talk about the sense of accomplishment and the good health they have. Bridget says “ I feel powerful. I don’t mean She-Ra powerful. I mean I feel like I’m in charge of myself and can do anything.” And of course there are health benefits, as Debra points out, “I’m in amazing health…it isn’t just physical health, it is mental health.
Find out more about Debra, Brianne, Krista and Bridget in part 2 of Moms Who Tri, coming soon.
-by Suellen Adams
Madison Marathon Profile: Faye Reber
Meet Faye Reber of Madison, Wisconsin. By the time she toes the starting line for the Madison Marathon events, she will have lost about 100 pounds, a journey that has been life-changing. Faye is tackling the Conquer the Capital challenge, a combination of each of the Madison Marathon distances in 2016 (the Twilight 10K on May 28, the Half Marathon on May 29, and the Marathon on November 13). Her best advice? “Be stronger than your excuses.”
Faye shares these photos from March 2014 (left) and July 2015 (right)...75 pounds lost. Photo collage courtesy Feye Reber.
Faye enjoying zumba training. Photo courtesy Faye Reber.
Meet Faye Reber of Madison, Wisconsin. By the time she toes the starting line for the Twilight 10K and Madison Half Marathon events, she will have lost about 100 pounds, a journey that has been life-changing. Faye is tackling the Conquer the Capital challenge, a combination of each of the Madison Marathon distances in 2016 (the Twilight 10K on May 28, the Half Marathon on May 29, and the Marathon on November 13). Her best advice? “Be stronger than your excuses.”
Focal Flame Photography (FFP): How many Madison Marathon events have you run?
Faye Reber: These will be my first.
FFP: Have you participated in other similar events?
Faye: Yes! I ran my first official 5K in July of 2012 (Waunafest) and my first half in August of 2012 (Madison Mini).
Since then I've completed … two more (halfs)... When I completed the 2015 Madison Mini, I took over 14 minutes off of my time, which I attribute to my weight loss as well as my workouts - especially my personal training sessions.
FFP: Are there any personal accomplishments that you are particularly proud of?
Faye: The fact that I could run my first half (and I ran the entire thing) was huge for me, but I missed my goal time. When I ran the race again in 2015, I came in more than 14 minutes faster, I was ecstatic - and even more so when I saw that the last 5K of that race was the quickest 5K I had run to date.
Of course I am proud of my weight loss, it is huge and it allows me to see that my body is constantly capable of so much more. ... Learning to lose slowly has taken patience, but I think it has also allowed me to enjoy life more while working on a maintainable weight loss and not just quick fixes.
FFP: What does running and participating in events, such as the upcoming Madison Half Marathon and Twilight series (and the Marathon in the Fall) mean to you?
Faye: For me, every race and every training run help me understand and prove what I am capable of. These events and the training … give me healthy outlets. The people I've met and become friends with is just as important! I never consider myself to be "racing" against anyone else, but I'm still at a point that I'm losing weight, working hard, and lately I've seen huge improvements on each of my races. I know that at some point those will level out, but to see the progress each time is really rewarding!
I wasn't super athletic growing up. I finally joined the rugby team my senior year in college and loved it, but the running was hard. I tore my achilles and when discussing recovery plans, I remember the sports ortho essentially saying it didn't matter much because I'd never be a runner. The irony of that is amusing to me now!
FFP: With so many races to choose from, why did you pick these events?
Faye: After finishing my last half in August 2015, I decided I was ready to commit to a full marathon. A friend of mine was also ready to look for a full. …. When I looked at the Madison Marathon again and started looking at The Conquer the Capital Challenge, we decided why not go all in and sign up for the whole thing!
FFP: Can you tell us what it has been like to train/prepare for the event?
Faye: Training so far has been surprising. I've realized that on my days that I "just want to go for a run" it's almost "easy" for me to hit 6-7 miles for fun. I don't think I would have ever anticipated that this would be the case!
Knowing I have to pull back on other fun, social workouts to hit my training runs and not be overly exhausted is something I am working on and I know it'll get harder as the time commitment for marathon training increases for November.
FFP: What will it mean to you to participate in the May race?
Faye: I think the May races will be a test in self-restraint. In order to do my best on the half, I know I will need to keep myself from going all out on the 10K the night before. I am also recovering from a knee injury at a little over a month out from the races so keeping balance and being smart is important!
FFP: Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience?
Faye: If people can take anything from my story, I hope it is that inspiration to reach their goals too. Be stronger than your excuses - you do not need to be an all-star athlete or subject matter expert to conquer huge goals. When you truly make up your mind and commit to a goal - weight loss, physical fitness, running, or anything for that matter it's possible. There are always bumps, pauses, or plateaus but don't quit!
This article is part of a series featuring athletes and others who are participating in a Madison Marathon event in 2016. Focal Flame Photography is honored to serve as official photographers for the Madison Marathon. All runners will receive free FocalShare™ digital race photos courtesy of the event organizers. The Spring Madison Marathon events will occur on May 28 and 29, 2016 on the streets of Wisconsin's capital city. For more information or to register, visit Madison Marathon.
- by Suellen Adams
Madison Marathon Profile: Paul Gill and Abby Evans - Love on the Run
Paul Gill and Abby Evans met and got to know each other through running, so it is only fitting that when they run the Madison Half Marathon on May 29, 2016, it will be a week before their June 4 wedding. We caught up with them briefly to learn more about how running has influenced their lives together, and what the Madison Marathon events mean to them.
Photo by Kathy Krohn-Gill
Meet Paul Gill and Abby Evans. Paul and Abby met and got to know each other through running, so it is only fitting that when they run the Madison Half Marathon on May 29, 2016, it will be a week before their June 4 wedding. We caught up with them briefly to learn more about how running has influenced their lives together, and what the Madison Marathon events mean to them.
Focal Flame Photography (FFP): How many Madison Marathon events have you done?
Paul: Abby and I did our first marathon ever during the Madison Marathon of 2010. It was so hot that the marathon was cancelled about three-quarters of the way through but we both stuck it out. We also did the half on a hot event day in 2012.
Paul in the 2015 Lake Monona 20K. Photo (c) 2015 Focal Flame Photography | Credit: Steve Gotter on behalf of Focal Flame Photography
FFP: Have you participated in other similar events?
Paul: I’ve done the Monona 20K a few times and the inaugural Wausau Marathon back in 2012.
Abby: I have run 2 half marathons, one Madison Marathon Half, the Rock and Sole in Milwaukee, and one full Madison Marathon. I have also done Crazy Legs for several years!
FFP: What does running and participating in events, such as the Madison Half Marathon mean to you?
Paul and Abby: For us, it’s a challenge unlike anything else we deal with on a regular basis in school or at work. But the best part is that we can face the challenge and train with friends. Running has always been a stress reliever for us, and I think its fair to say we are both addicted (in a healthy way, we promise). Withdrawal from running is a real-thing! It’s our chance to get outside of the building, into open air (yes, even when its in the single digits) and let our minds wander wherever. And we always feel better than when we started, we can honestly say I’ve never regretted completing a run. Participating in various events and going for runs is also something we can do as a couple and challenge each other to do our best. It is a great way to spend time together as well.
FFP: With so many races to choose from, why this one?
Paul: Abby grew up in Madison and went here for undergrad and I’ve been in school here for 9 years. We leave for Milwaukee in a few months and wanted to do as many Madison focused things as we could. It also helps that we’re getting married up on the square at the Madison Concourse Hotel on the weekend following the race on June 4, 2016. :-)
FFP: Can you tell us what it has been like to train/prepare for the event? Have you prepared as a couple? What was that like?
Paul: Abby and I have been living in different cities for the last 4 years while we finish school. I will be graduating from UW-Madison 2 weeks before the event with a medical degree and Abby will be graduating from UW-Milwaukee one week before the event with a Doctorate degree in physical therapy. When we’re apart, telling the other person how much we ran that day almost always leads our nightly FaceTime conversation. It’s a healthy competition. Occasionally, if we’re lucky and running at the same time in different places, we’ll try and call each other while on our runs. However, when we’re together, we’ll always set our schedules around a time where we can run together. We do a lot of life-planning on our runs, especially lately with the wedding coming up. I’d say over 50% of our wedding has been planned while out running. We also just added a black lab puppy into our family so excited to begin running with him as well!
FFP: What will it mean to you to participate in the May race?
Paul and Abby: … it will be the culmination of all the miles we’ve put in over the years in Madison. The course goes down many of our favorite running routes and so it will, in some ways, be like a nostalgic farewell tour of Madison (for the time being anyways…)
FFP: Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience?
Paul: Running is how Abby and I got to know each other. We were just two people in a class who, along with a few others, just wanted to go for runs together. Running helped us become great friends. And from that, the rest of it is history.
This article is part of a series featuring athletes or behind-the-scenes staff who are involved in a Madison Marathon event in 2016. Focal Flame Photography is honored to serve as official photographers for the Madison Marathon. All runners will receive free FocalShare™ digital race photos courtesy of the event organizers. The Spring Madison Marathon events will occur on May 28 and 29, 2016 on the streets of Wisconsin's capitol city. For more information or to register, visit Madison Marathon.
- by Suellen Adams
Madison Marathon Profile: Lisa Helmuth
The Madison Marathon is the perfect event for Lisa Diane Helmuth (50) of Middleton, WI—it combines running and Madison, two things that have been part of some of the happiest and some of the saddest times of Lisa’s life, including the loss of her son James at the age of 10 due to adrenal cancer. Lisa's family honors James' memory by raising funds for children in need to participate in academic and athletic opportunities. She finds solace in running. For Lisa, “there is nothing quite like the feeling of running in Madison”.
The Madison Marathon is the perfect event for Lisa Diane Helmuth (50) of Middleton, WI—it combines running and Madison, two things that have been part of some of the happiest and some of the saddest times of Lisa’s life. For Lisa, “there is nothing quite like the feeling of running in Madison”.
Lisa Helmuth during the 2015 spring Madison Half Marathon. © 2015 Focal Flame Photography | Photo credit: Katie Richard
Lisa shared what makes the Madison Marathon so special for her, how running has helped her through some of the most challenging moments of her life, and what—or maybe more aptly who—keeps motivating her to succeed.
Focal Flame Photography (FFP): How many Madison Marathons have you run?
Lisa Diane Helmuth (LDH): This is my third or fourth half-marathon Madison race.
FFP: How many total marathons or half marathons have you run?
LDH: This will be my 7th half marathon…2016 will be my first full marathon!
FFP: Do you participate in other similar events?
LDH: I usually sign up for at least one or two half marathons per summer and participate in as many fun runs as possible throughout the warmer weather. I pick races that have a positive impact on the world through fundraising or awareness for families / kids dealing with illness or hardship.
Some of my favorites are Battle of the Badges 5K (Middleton Police/Fire/EMS charity), Badger Children’s Cancer Network (5K) Superhero Run, Gilda’s Run (10K), Make-A-Wish Foundation (10K), and Middleton Good Neighborfest (5K).
I signed up for the Surf City Half Marathon in California in February to force myself to keep running in Wisconsin’s freezing winter this year!
James Helmuth with father (Jeff) and older brother (Jack). Photo courtesy of Lisa Helmuth.
FFP: With so many races to choose from, why do you participate in the Madison Marathon?
LDH: Madison is my home—it’s where I married, had children, lost two children (one miscarriage), and where my heart will always remain. I love the crazy artsy unique nature of the city and its neighborhoods, yet this place still retains a rural backdrop, clean air, a casual lifestyle amidst the excitement of a larger metropolitan area. The seat of our state government resides here…and I am grateful to work [to protect] our rivers, lakes, wetlands, springs, and wild places.
Editor’s Note: Lisa works for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
FFP: Do you do anything to make your races more meaningful?
LDH: Preparing for long-distance races involves a special mindset—meditative introspection on what and why I’m about to embark on such a physically and mentally exhausting journey. I am not a fast runner; just very determined. Long distance races give me the mind-space that I need to feel deeply and completely about life.
A brilliant smile from James Helmuth, whose life ended far too soon due to adrenal cancer. To learn about the James Helmuth Memorial Trust, click here. Photo courtesy of Lisa Helmuth.
FFP: Why is running so important to you?
LDH: I’ve been running since I was 12. Running has helped me through more personal challenges than I can name. Most recently, in 2012, my youngest son’s diagnosis with stage four adrenal cancer provided the impetus needed to return to long-distance running, which is where I feel my inner-self blossom, where I find peace, and where I can feel myself come alive. It is thinking about what running means to me, and what it gives me, that helps me prepare for my 2 to 3 hour “date” with a half marathon…and in 2016, the 4-6 hours for my first marathon.
FFP: What do you want people to know about your son James and/or the James Helmuth Memorial Trust?
LDH: When we first created James’ Benefit Fund/Memorial Trust, which provides funds for academics and athletics for kids in need, it was to help make something good from such incredible tragedy. I now realize that perpetuating charitable activities through his fund not only helps others, but it helps our family keep James’ memory alive with us and with the community. I have come to realize that one of my greatest fears is that one day no one will know of or remember our James. The quintessential struggle of humanity—the quest for immortality.
Through James’ Benefit Fund, we are definitely making a difference. If James can see us or “knows”, I want him to feel proud of his family. In the past three years, we have raised and funded nearly $20,000 in short and long-term projects, including relief efforts for families with children that are victims of fire, Music & Arts for All (which joins teenage musicians with homebound/facility-bound seniors through weekly music performances), funding of kids in need in athletics (football, basketball), and our holding our annual Basketball Buddies Skills Clinic, which pairs athletes in college and high school with middle school and primary grades for a 1 hour skills clinic! It’s wonderful! We had over 80 participants in each of the first two years of the event! The Middleton Basketball Club and Dane County Youth Football League have both been particularly helpful.
Lisa celebrates finishing the spring 2015 Madison Half Marathon. She also ran the Twilight 10K the evening beforehand, a combination called "Conquer the Capitol." © 2015 Focal Flame Photography | Photo credit: Shannon Lund
FFP: Are there any personal accomplishments you are particularly proud of?
LDH: This past summer I received my black belt in martial arts at Infinity Martial Arts in Middleton after 6 years of training. I had put off training for two years to care for my son, James, who died of adrenal cancer at the age of 10. During his year of treatment, I reacquainted myself with my lifelong friend, running. While I’d been running since I was 12 years old, after having kids I’d slowed down quite a bit. Now, at 50, I’m rededicating myself to health and fitness…in part to honor my sons, James and Jack. Receiving my black belt was a gift and an honor for James’ memory—and to show my wonderful 15-year-old son Jack to never give up. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and eventually you will find your way.
FFP: Is there anything else about your journey as a runner that you would like to share?
LDH: Just that I keep going…I’m slower and older than when I was 12 (!) and don’t always feel great, but I can always count on running, my life-long friend, to be there when I need what it gives me. I will run until I can no longer run—I’ll be running until I’m done here on Earth.
This article is part of a series featuring athletes who are participating in a Madison Marathon event in 2015. Focal Flame Photography is honored to serve as official photographers for the Madison Marathon. All runners will receive free FocalShare™ digital race photos courtesy of the event organizers. The Fall Madison Marathon events will occur on November 8, 2015 on the streets of Wisconsin's capitol city. For more information or to register, visit Madison Marathon.
- by Erin Patterson
Madison Marathon Profile: Stephanie Sprague
After a serious car accident in May 2015, doctors told Stephanie Sprague (25) of Dubuque, Iowa that she’d be in the hospital for the next four months, and even then things were unlikely to be “normal” for her. Remarkably, Stephanie beat those odds - and will be pursuing her first Madison Marathon on November 8, 2015.
After a serious car accident in May 2015, doctors told Stephanie Sprague (25) of Dubuque, Iowa that she’d be in the hospital for the next four months, and even then things were unlikely to be “normal” for her. Remarkably, Stephanie beat those odds, leaving the hospital in just 4 weeks and making a full recovery. In fact, Stephanie has gone beyond just recovering—she will be ready to run her first Madison Marathon this November.
Focal Flame Photography, the official photographer for the 2015 Madison Marathon events, talked to Stephanie about her road to recovery what she learned along the way about her own incredible strength.
Stephanie with significant other, Bryan. Stephanie shared, "He has been a huge supporter through this whole process and my stronger half when I felt too weak to be able to make it through some days." Photo credit: Dale Sprague
Focal Flame Photography (FFP): How many Madison Marathons have you run?
Stephanie Sprague (SS): This will be the 1st one!
FFP: How many total marathons or half marathons have you run?
SS: Two.
FFP: Have you participated in other similar events?
SS: Yes, a few of my favorites are the Dominate Dubuque Series, the Heritage Trail Race, the Benefit Classic, the Grandview Gallop, and the Turkey Trot.
FFP: Are there any personal accomplishments you are particularly proud of?
SS: Simply being here and being able to run.
FFP: What does running and participating in events such as the Madison Marathon mean to you?
SS: This past year has taught me to not take anything for granted. I was by no means an avid runner previously, but being able to push through life’s obstacles and strive to become an even better runner than I was before is a gift in itself. Not only is the Madison Marathon a gift for me, I will be running it with my father who has had his own life struggles and just started running at the age of 53.
FFP: With so many races to choose from, why did you pick the Madison Marathon?
SS: Timing is the most important thing in my recovery right now. The Madison Marathon is just over 5 months from the day of my accident. Doctors told me that I would be in the hospital for at least 3 months and may not have my “normal” life back. The fact that I am able to participate in this year’s Madison Marathon is a miracle.
The seriousness of Stephanie's vehicular collision is apparent. This is her vehicle. Photo credit: Dale Sprague
FFP: Can you tell us what it has been like to train/prepare for a marathon after recovering from the accident?
SS: Memorial Day weekend I went off a gravel country road and rolled my vehicle several times. I was unconscious and trapped in my vehicle for over 3 hours before someone noticed my vehicle and called for help. I remember waking up in the hospital 4 days later. Miraculously, I did not suffer a single broken bone. I had some severe internal injuries, but nothing that would be life threatening. After the doctors initially said I would be in the hospital for at least 3 months, I was discharged after 4 weeks thanks to my health and physical shape prior to my accident. I had been running and doing Farrell’s kickboxing regularly prior to my accident. I can give huge thanks to the impact running had on my physical health, which led to a much faster recovery! One of my more crucial injuries was my right side abdominal wall was detached from my spine and was essentially torn to shreds from my seat belt. During training, this has been the hardest obstacle. You really don't realize how much you use your core muscles until they have been compromised. I have had to make sure I have had very low impact training on top of doing a lot of core muscle strength training with a stability ball.
Despite all odds, Stephanie pursued a full recovery with an infectiously positive attitude that she's carrying with her toward the Madison Marathon finish line. Photo credit: Dale Sprague
FFP: What will it mean to participate in November's race?
SS: It will mean that anything is possible if you put your mind and heart to it. I also would like to emphasize that being in good physical health prior to my accident has helped made this race that much more possible.
FFP: Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience?
SS: Just to maintain good health, as you never know when it may help save your life.
This article is part of a series featuring athletes who are participating in a Madison Marathon event in 2015. Focal Flame Photography is honored to serve as official photographers for the Madison Marathon. All runners will receive free FocalShare™ digital race photos courtesy of the event organizers. The Fall Madison Marathon events will occur on November 8, 2015 on the streets of Wisconsin's capitol city. For more information or to register, visit Madison Marathon.
Madison Marathon Profile: Carolyn Moore
Carolyn Moore is a seasoned marathon runner. She is pursuing her first-ever Madison Marathon in November, 2015. And when she crosses the finish line on the Capitol Square, she won’t be alone—her running partner, a visually impaired athlete, will accompany her.
Carolyn (right) runs as a sighted guide in partnership with Maria (left), who is visually impaired. Photo credit: Steve Moore
Carolyn Moore (49) of Grayslake, IL is a seasoned marathon runner who will be running the Madison Marathon for the first time this November. When Carolyn crosses the finish line on the capitol square, she won’t be alone—her running partner, a visually impaired athlete, will accompany her.
Focal Flame Photography, the official photographer for the 2015 Madison Marathon events, talked to Carolyn about providing “eyes” to a blind runner.
Focal Flame Photography (FFP): How many Madison Marathons have you run?
Carolyn Moore (CM): This will be my first Madison Marathon.
FFP: How many total marathons or half marathons have you run?
CM: I have run 34 marathons.
FFP: Do you participate in other similar events?
CM: [I'm] primarily a marathon runner, but I also run half marathons and the occasional 5K.
FFP: Are there any personal accomplishments you would like to mention?
CM: My personal best marathon time is 3 hours and 30 minutes.
Carolyn looks forward to competing in her first-ever Madison Marathon on November 8, running as a guide alongside her running partner. Photo credit: Adam Kissinger
FFP: Why did you decide to participate in the Madison Marathon?
CM: I chose the Madison Marathon because of its reputation of being a beautiful, scenic course. I am also hoping for cooler temps in early November.
FFP: What would you tell other racers about running a marathon?
CM: Enjoy the journey; take in the scenery and the sights and sounds of race day.
FFP: Can you tell us about your experience running as a guide for a visually impaired athlete?
CM: I have been guiding a blind athlete for just over a year. We met at a local adult track club through a mutual friend/guide. We usually run 2-3 times a week and we have done a variety of races from 5Ks to the Boston Marathon. I enjoy sharing my love of running with the blind athlete that I guide. As a mom, I understand the importance of a little "me" time and I am happy that I can provide her with an opportunity to run outside.
Editor’s Note: Achilles International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing athletes with disabilities, including visually impaired athletes, with a community of support. Runners who are interested in serving as a sighted guide or who are interested in partnering with a guide can search for local Achilles International chapters here.
FFP: Having run over 30 marathons, what have you learned on your journey as a runner?
CM: About 10 years ago after a back injury ended my running season in an instant, I learned to never take my ability to run for granted. My experience as a guide for a blind athlete has also taught me to appreciate my ability to run as not everyone has the freedom to put on a pair of shoes and head out the door whenever they want.
This article is part of a series featuring athletes who are participating in a Madison Marathon event in 2015. Focal Flame Photography is honored to serve as official photographers for the Madison Marathon. All runners will receive free FocalShare™ digital race photos courtesy of the event organizers. The Fall Madison Marathon events will occur on November 8, 2015 on the streets of Wisconsin's capitol city. For more information or to register, visit Madison Marathon.
- by Erin Patterson
Madison Marathon Profile: Wayne Engelbrecht
Wayne Engelbrecht has volunteered at the Madison Marathon for the past decade - and also run in five different full Madison Marathons. His favorite volunteer spot? The information booth, answering questions from runners.
For the past 10 years, Wayne Engelbrecht (46) of Sun Prairie has volunteered at the Madison Marathon, spending the most recent race weekends manning the info booth. This November, Wayne will not only be in his usual volunteer spot, but also will be on the race course running his fifth Madison Marathon.
Focal Flame Photography, the official photographer for the 2015 Madison Marathon events, spoke to Wayne about what he enjoys most about the Madison Marathonó both from the perspective of a runner and of a dedicated volunteer.
Wayne Enbelbrecht runs the 2014 Madison Fall Marathon. He has volunteered to help support the race for the past 10 years. © 2014 Focal Flame Photography | Photo credit: Austin Cope
Focal Flame (FFP): How many Madison Marathons have you run?
Wayne Engelbrecht (WE): This will be my fifth Madison Marathon. I ran the first two in the 1990s, and the last two years.
FFP: How many total marathons or half marathons have you run?
WE: This will be my 10th marathon since 2011, and my 16th overall. I've run about 6 or 7 half marathons per year since 2011 as well.
FFP: Do you participate in any other similar events?
WE: I like running in races with my dog - the longest race we've have done together is the 20K Lake Monona Run the last two years. I enjoy night races, such as the Twilight 10K.
FFP: What does running and participating in events such as the Madison Marathon mean to you?
WE: I enjoy challenging myself. I took some time off from running and returned to running in 2010. As the Madison Marathon was the first marathon I ran, it is special as it is the marathon I have run most often.
FFP: With so many races to choose from, what do you enjoy about the Madison Marathon?
WE: It's a well-run race. It is a good size for a race - not too big. The course runs through some of the best parts of Madison, such as the Arboretum and UW, and has nice crowd support. There is always something special about running on your "home town course" as well.
FFP: Why has volunteering become an important part of your Madison Marathon experience?
WE: I've volunteered at the Madison Marathon for ten years - before I even ran in the races. Iíve done everything from handing out t-shirts, chip check, signing up kids for the Kids Runs, packet assembly and expo set up. The last three years I've settled in to helping out at the info booth. The Madison Marathon supports many charities, such as the Badger Honor Flight. My time goes towards funding the Sun Prairie and Cottage Grove Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society. As my mother-in-law battled cancer for over fifteen years before passing away, it is very important cause for my family and I'm honored that my time can be used to support such a worthy cause.
Editor's Note: The official charities of the Madison Marathon are Badger Honor Flight and myTEAM TRIUMPH.
FFP: What do you enjoy most about volunteering?
WE: I greatly enjoy helping out at the info booth, as I can provide information about the race that only someone who has run it can provide to other runners who have never run a marathon before, and have relief at having their questions answered.
FFP: What would you tell other racers about participating in the Madison Marathon?
WE: Enjoy the day. The race should be viewed as the victory lap in your journey of competing in the marathon. Don't go out too fast - that's why I always start at the end of the race. You will have a great race.
This article is part of a series featuring athletes who are participating in a Madison Marathon event in 2015. Focal Flame Photography is honored to serve as official photographers for the Madison Marathon. All runners will receive free FocalShare™ digital race photos courtesy of the event organizers. The Fall Madison Marathon events will occur on November 8 on the streets of Wisconsin's capitol city. For more information or to register, visit Madison Marathon.
Madison Marathon Profile: Abbey Kaiser
Abbey Kaiser is a young runner from Madison who just happens to have Down syndrome. Last May, Abbey completed not only the Madison Marathon Twilight 10K alongside her mother, but also the Half Marathon the next day with myTEAM TRIUMPH. Abbey's FocalShare race photo was selected for display in Times Square as part of a showcase on behalf of the National Down Syndrome Society.
This photo of Abbey finishing the Twilight 10K in May 2015 recently appeared in New York City as part of the National Down Syndrome Society's Times Square Video presentation—an annual photo showcase of the amazing contributions and achievements of people with Down syndrome. © 2015 Focal Flame Photography | Photo credit: Clint Thayer
Abbey Kaiser is a young runner from Madison who just happens to have Down syndrome. Last May, Abbey completed not just one but two Madison Marathon events—the Twilight 10K and, the very next morning, the half-marathon as a captain with her myTEAM TRIUMPH angels. While this would be an impressive feat for any athlete, when Abbey crosses the finish line, she also is showing the world the amazing things that people with Down syndrome can achieve. Her joy shines through in a Focal Flame race photo from the Twilight 10K that was selected to be displayed in Times Square in New York City in September, 2015 for a showcase on behalf of the National Down Syndrome Society.
Focal Flame Photography, the official photographer for the 2015 Madison Marathon events, talked to Abbey and her mom Danielle about Abbey’s accomplishments.
Focal Flame Photography (FFP): How long have each of you been runners?
Abbey Kaiser (AK): One year this month!
Danielle Kaiser (DK): I never consider myself a runner because life gets in the way too much for me to do so with any regularity! But over the past year I've tried to [run] with increasing regularity and have made more of a point of trying to achieve some miles versus no miles at all.
FFP: Do you usually run together?
AK: I've ran twice with my mom. She got me started. We did the Haunted Hustle, then the Twilight 10K. We will be at the Haunted Hustle again. Watch for us! I try to practice with my mom a little too.
FFP: What other events have you done?
AK: myTEAM Triumph has included me in the spring half marathon, which was early the next morning after the Twilight 10K! Then I did the HER Half Marathon, which was all ladies. Then I got to do the Pardeeville Triathalon because my half marathon Angel Eric asked me to! Then I did the Door County Tri, which is a half Ironman! The August half marathon was my most recent race.
Editor’s Note: Abbey participates in myTEAM Triumph, an athletic mentoring program that supports individuals with disabilities in endurance events. Abbey has completed seven endurance races with the group.
FFP: Are there other races you'd like to run?
AK: A full marathon and the full Ironman!
FFP: What do you like most about running?
AK: I like the people! I like the volunteers who help give out water and Gu! The cheering helps too. Like I like to say, "Cheer louder”! I love looking up on the wall and seeing my medals."
The National Down Syndrome Society seeks to raise awareness of the amazing accomplishments of individuals with Down syndrome through their Time Square video presentation. The image of Abbey running the Twilight 10K was one of 450 chosen to promote the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome.
FFP: How have you been involved with the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS)? What do you want others to know about the organization?
DK: I have been involved with NDSS for about five years. A small staff in Washington and a national network of volunteer advocates work on issues that are pertinent to people with Down syndrome but affect others with disabilities. The advocacy being done in Washington D.C. affects not only the lives of Abbey and others sharing a Down syndrome diagnosis, but are much larger issues. Over the past several years, NDSS advocates have lobbied for the ability for individuals with disabilities to have savings accounts. It sounds very simple but there were surprisingly low limits to the amount of savings one could have if they utilized disability benefits. Congress passed the ABLE (Achieving A Better Life Experience) Act late in 2015. The simple right to save for needs is a reality advocates worked on for years that will affect many. Next, our nationwide volunteers will work with police forces to ensure first responders are trained and know how to respond to meet the needs of individuals with developmental and other disabilities.
NDSS also makes sure at least once a year to celebrate people with Down syndrome. NDSS shows on a big scale that people with Down syndrome are amazing, and contribute great value to their families, their communities, and make contributions that have positive impacts.
Editor’s Note: October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. To learn what you can do to celebrate and raise awareness, visit the National Down Syndrome Society website.
FFP: What do you want others to know about living with Down syndrome?
DK: There are things that make Abbey exceptional. Some of them are the same as what makes people reading this exceptional, and some are different. But we all have a heart and feelings and passions and things that move us! We all need a little help sometimes. People with Down syndrome are more like you and I than different. People are just people. We are all unique. Invite someone in. Get to know each other. Care about each other. You are the key to make a difference, and someone else - quite likely a person with Down syndrome, maybe even Abbey - can make a difference in you!
AK: People can treat people with Down syndrome with respect and kindness. People should treat us as the same as them, not different. People with disabilities like to do the same things. I do yoga! I love One Direction! And concerts. And playing music! So let's have fun together!
To get to know Abbey better, follow her on Twitter @abbeysupnotdown.
This article is part of a series featuring athletes who are participating in a Madison Marathon event in 2015. Focal Flame Photography is honored to serve as official photographers for the Madison Marathon. All runners will receive free FocalShare™ digital race photos courtesy of the event organizers. The Fall Madison Marathon events will occur on November 8, 2015 on the streets of Wisconsin's capitol city. For more information or to register, visit Madison Marathon.
- by Erin Patterson
Water Stories: A Brief History of Lake Mendota Swim Crossings
Each year, athlete Darren Fortney leads a group of swimmers in a 6-mile swim traversing Lake Mendota as a fund-raising effort for Gilda’s Club, a cancer support and advocacy organization. As a history buff, he wanted to place the ultra-swim in historical context, so Focal Flame writer Robyn Perrin authored an essay about the "lake swimmers" of Lake Mendota.
This article was written in 2010 at the request of Madison, Wisconsin ultra-distance athlete Darren Fortney. As an athlete with a remarkable story to tell, Darren was a recipient of the Focal Flame Honoring the Athlete award. The prize included a photo essay and custom-commissioned article.
Each year, Darren leads a group of swimmers in a 6-mile swim traversing Lake Mendota as a fund-raising effort for Gilda’s Club, a cancer support and advocacy organization. As a history buff, he wanted to place the ultra-swim in historical context. Focal Flame co-founder Robyn Perrin interviewed a local boat captain and historian, Donald Sanford, whose book “On Fourth Lake: The Social History of Lake Mendota” is scheduled to be released in August, 2015. Sanford gave permission for some of his research on “lake swimmers”, as he calls them, to be included in this article. Additionally, Robyn interviewed local Madison resident Joe Silverberg, who swam the lake in the mid-1940s, when he was 16. We hope you enjoy the stories they shared and invite you to cheer on the 2015 Gills for Gilda’s swimmers - who will take on the lake once again on June 19, 2015, having raised nearly $8,000 dollars to support cancer patients and their families.
Hydrogeographic map of Lake Mendota, 1900
To learn the history of Lake Mendota is to pay homage to ice. Not the foot and a half of ice that caps it on average every winter, but the massive glacial sheets that birthed the lake during the “Wisconsin Stage” of Pleistocene glaciation, beginning about 50,000 years ago. Over the span of nearly 38,000 years, glaciers scraped across a 600-foot-deep river valley. The Yahara River flowed underneath. Advancing and retreating again and again, the edge of the glacier scraped out hollows in the landscape, scuffing out four lake beds like a child digging its toes into the dirt.
One of the lake beds was later named “Mendota” by the Ho-Chunk tribe, which is reported to mean “The Lake Where the Indian Lies.” The name refers to a tribal story in which the lake was created by the splashing of a Ho-Chunk brave who turned into a spirit fish, then joined a maiden in the largest of the Four Lakes.
Throughout history, people living in the Yahara River region have been fascinated with Lake Mendota. At an average depth of 41.7 feet and reaching a maximum of 83 feet deep, it is a substantial yet intimate inland body of water. Edged with multiple bluffs, bays, points, rivers and creeks, and punctuated with Governor's Island, it is laced with opportunities for close inspection despite its size.
Generations of Madison residents have done just that – exploring, boating, fishing, rowing, and watching the lake. But in spending the past five years researching Lake Mendota history, local boat captain Donald Sanford also kept coming across accounts of people who had sought an even more personal communion with lake – by swimming across it. He started referring to these individuals as “Lake Swimmers“ and began keeping track of news reports dating to the late 1800s.
Wisconsin State Journal, August 6, 1930
Many of the reported lake swimmers were adolescents - perhaps a reflection of teenagers' curiosity, access to leisure time in the summer, and their youthful athleticism. Summer camps lining Lake Mendota surely played a role as well. Camp Indianola was a private boy's camp operating from 1906 until 1967 located at what is now Governor Nelson State Park. A meticulously detailed 1910 catalog advertising the camp assured parents, “Every boy is taught to paddle a canoe, row a boat, and swim....last season there were a number of excellent swimmers in camp. One of our boys made a record swim of five and one half miles. A number of others swam one, two, and three miles.“ Public swimming in the lakes, however, had only been acceptable for generation or so by that time, as swimming was illegal in Madison until 1879.
Colorful lake swimmer characters include "Dr. Joe Dean," likely the same Joseph Dean who founded the Dean Clinic in 1904 that would later become Dean HMO, who swam Mendota in 1899. Later, James “Jimmy“ Julian, captain of the swim team at Central High School (which was later demolished to make way for expansion of the University of Wisconsin) traversed the lake several times in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Mina Fox, a visiting student from Chicago, swam from Bernards Park to Adams Hall in 1930, only to be accused afterwards of faking the swim by skeptical reporters. (She responded indignantly.)
Another notable duo were Charley Bran, the only person reported to have swum the entire shoreline perimeter of Lake Mendota, and his son Stan Bran, who attempted to repeat his father's feat 10 years afterward in 1939 but was unsuccessful due to conditions. Longtime Madison residents may remember Stan Bran as the host of the television show Outdoor Calling, which ran on Channel 15 for 29 years.
Interestingly, a rash of swim crossings occurred during the Great Depression in the 1930s, which Sanford attributes to the lure of cheap outdoor recreation during hard economic times, and perhaps the universal appeal of meeting an individual challenge when so many lives were in turmoil.
The most remarkable story is that of Peter Foseid, who was reported to have swum a five-mile course from Tenney Park to Camp Indianola in 1930. The Capital Times reported that Foseid had had his leg amputated eight inches below the hip in 1921 following an injury incurred in a football game. A junior at UW and counselor at Camp Wakanda, Foseid reportedly followed his five-mile swim by playing a baseball game, for which he donned his wooden leg. If his reported swim time is indeed accurate, his pace of 1.70 min per 100 yards is the fastest of any other lake swimmer profiled in news accounts. He also swam across the lake on at least one other occasion, in 1932.
YMCA Camp Wakanda Swimmers, June, 1945
One Madison resident, Joe Silverberg, was happy to share his memories of his Lake Mendota swim crossings in the mid-1940s. Joe Silverberg traversed the lake in 1946 at the age of 16, and two years later his sister Sally completed the same distance. When asked if either he or his sister swam competitively in high school, Silverberg said, "No - we were water rats. We just swam for recreation. We all lived on Sherman Avenue, and of course the lake was our recreation during the summer."
Although it became a family tradition, Silverberg stated that his own swim crossing was not pre-planned. “One day the lake was dead calm, and we [Silverberg and two friends] decided we should swim across the lake. But for the last half of the swim, a wind from the north kicked up and so I was fighting against it the rest of the day.“ He continued, “The moral of the story is that it's much better planning if you swim on a day when there's a south wind.“
Joe was accompanied by a friend in a rowboat, and he later rowed with his sister during her swim, a safety measure that both siblings deemed essential. When asked about the most memorable part of his own lake crossing, though, his thoughts turned to the most basic of athletic needs: nutrition. “The person in the rowboat fed us along the way - Hershey bars - which is exactly the wrong thing to do,“ he said. Laughing, he explained, “In those days we thought that eating chocolate gave you instant energy. We've since found out that it doesn't.“
Caption on a photo dated July, 1955, reads, "Tia Nelson, 11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nelson...dives into Lake Mendota. She was one of Madison's most outstanding young swimmers."
Silverberg's tone grew quieter as he talked about the pollution that has since befallen Lake Mendota, and offered an explanation. He speculated that development of the private, artificial Lake Cherokee in the 1950s drained the marsh land that was within and near the Yahara River, preventing absorption of agricultural runoff from the dairy lands north of Madison. The result was effluent flowing into the lake, both polluting it and triggering algal blooms.
Water quality remains a tremendous issue for Lake Mendota, as well as the three other lakes in the region. But while pollution and preservation of healthy lake ecology will continue to be a challenge well into the future, the timeless pull of Mendota will surely persist and compel residents to treasure it.
And, of course, to swim across it.