Taking Care of Business: J.H. Findorff & Son, Inc.

J.H. Findorff & Son, Inc. has designed and built some of the most recognizable structures in Madison. Focal Flame Photography recently created professional headshot portraits of several Findorff executives, leading to fascinating insights about the past, present, and future of the city. Read more about Findorff's role in shaping Madison's skyline. 

Nearly 125 years ago, J.H. Findorff started a construction company. His first project was carpentry work at the UW-Madison Armory and Gymnasium, known today as the “Red Gym.” Over the years, the company - selected as the 2013 Builder of the Year by The Daily Reporter (among many other accolades) - has designed and built some of the most recognizable structures in Madison. Focal Flame Photography recently had the opportunity to create business portraits of Findorff executives. We asked Findorff spokesperson Nancy Mayek about the firm's role in shaping Madison's skyline. 

Rich Lynch, Chairman, has served on the Board of Directors of many civic organizations including the United Way of Dane County and the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce. During his collegiate days as a swimmer he competed against Mark Spitz, who would become a 9-time Olympic champion.

Focal Flame Photography: Tell us a bit about your company.

Findorff: From [our founder's] humble beginnings as a carpenter, through the Great Depression, World War II, and changing attitudes and architectural styles, J.H. Findorff & Son, Inc. has established itself as an industry leader by adopting emerging building technologies and staying in front of innovative construction techniques. Today, the company employs an average of 700 people between its Madison and Milwaukee offices.

Findorff’s leadership has an average of 26 years of industry experience and serve as great mentors and leaders. In the last 10 years alone, Findorff has earned over 100 awards recognizing our commitment to quality construction and civic initiatives.

Tim Stadelman, CFO, has been a proud Green Bay Packers shareholder since 1997. He has served on the Board of Directors of the American Red Cross - Badger Chapter, among other nonprofits.

FFP: What is your company known for within your industry?

Findorff: Character. Community. Craftsmanship. These are the basis of our businesses, as well as innovative building techniques, uncompromising professional ethics, and commitment to client service.

FFP: J.H. Findorff has designed and built some of the most iconic buildings in the Madison area. Which ones might readers recognize?

Findorff: Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, Overture Center for the Arts, UW Hospital, Chazen Art Museum, Wisconsin Institute of Discovery, CUNA Mutual, and our own Findorff Corporate Headquarters.

FFP: Did any of these buildings present special challenges?

Findorff: Monona Terrace posed the unique challenge of building over the water which necessitated footings constructed in the bottom of the lake. Another major challenge was building the Camp Randall deck between football seasons; at times, every field employee was on that job (except for two).

FFP: What have been the most interesting trends you’ve seen within your industry?

Findorff: We are most excited about sustainable and green initiatives.

FFP: Are there any ways that your company tries to “give back” to the local community?

Findorff:  In 1901, a fire destroyed the Findorff building, tools, full freight cars and everything stored within. The community encouraged J.H Findorff to rebuild. Ever since, the organization has maintained a focus on giving back to the community. Currently, we participate in and sponsor many community fundraisers, encourage our employees to volunteer, and provide financial gifts to local organizations and causes.

FFP: Why did you choose Focal Flame to create your executive portraits?

Findorff: We needed Executive head shots and Focal Flame offered great value.  The overall experience was great. [Focal Flame founder and lead photographer] Clint Thayer toured the office prior to the photo sessions, determined the best location for the photos, and was very flexible, even rescheduling due to inclement winter weather.

We salute Findorff as the company prepares to celebrate 125 years dedicated to building Madison's future.

Considering fresh imagery, headshot portraits, or video production for your business? Contact us today. We'd be happy to discuss your needs. 


- interview by Deborah Proctor


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Chiropractor Laura Konopacki on Selecting a Headshot Photographer

How do you choose a headshot photographer in Madison? For Dr. Laura Kanopacki, it meant focusing on quality and integrity.

By Deborah Proctor

How do you choose a headshot photographer in Madison? For Dr. Laura Kanopacki, it meant focusing on quality and integrity. Returning to the States after seven years abroad, Laura Konopacki recently opened Body Wave Chiropractic near the intersection of University Avenue and Whitney Way in Madison. Knowing that an updated headshot photograph was a key element in her business success, she searched for a Madison photographer and chose Focal Flame Photography, over several others, to be her headshot photographer for multiple reasons.  "I was happy with examples of their work... every email or inquiry I had was answered promptly and clearly, and in dealing with [lead photographer and co-founder] Clint, I got the impression that he knows how to run a quality business with integrity...I trusted things would go well even before I had my photo shoot,"she explained.

How did Laura come to this juncture in life? She grew up on a dairy farm in Brooklyn, Wisconsin, where along with her four siblings, she enjoyed an active country life around the farm and on the nearby Sugar River. One summer during college, she lifted something heavy at work and pain shot down her leg making it nearly impossible to walk - which just wouldn't do, since she was leaving just a few days later for a two month backpacking trip in Europe. Rather than cancel her trip, she decided to give chiropractic care a try.  The treatment worked and she enjoyed a pain-free trip.

Upon her return she decided to become a chiropractor herself so she could help others alleviate the pain in their lives. She received her Bachelor of Science from UW-Stevens Point and a Chiropractic degree from Life University in Marietta, GA, and along the way she has studied and applied various techniques in Europe, China, and Peru. We asked about her career choice and how she happened to end up in those far-away places.

Focal Flame Photography: What do you enjoy most about being a chiropractor?

Laura Konopacki:  "I practice a non-traditional method of chiropractic called Network Spinal Analysis.  A very precise, light touch on the spine cues the brain to shift from defense into healing.  Gentle waves develop and roll through the spine as tension, stress and pain are released.   

If I had to pick one thing though, I’d say it’s seeing kids turn their lives and health around with chiropractic care.  It’s really gratifying to see them begin following a different, happier and more empowered track."

FFPYou have traveled extensively in your work, both professionally and as an international volunteer. How have those experiences shaped your life and practice?

Laura: "Chiropractic volunteer work has given me entrance to the slums of India, orphanages in Brazil, and drug recovery centers in Spain.  I learn every time my life intersects with people whose experiences are so radically different from my own.

I’ve had the chance to work with everyone from homeless people to CEOs of large companies.  This has helped me see patterns that show up in people’s bodies and lives, both when things are not working for them, and when they’re in the zone.  This has upgraded my ability to help patients make significant and sustainable shifts in their health, outlook, and life."      

We also asked Laura about her Focal Flame headshot photography session:

FFP: What was the best thing about working with Focal Flame?

Laura:"I think anyone comes to a headshot photo shoot with insecurities and a bit of stress.  For me, the best thing about working with Focal Flame was how incredibly painless the whole process was...I would even go as far as to say it was fun! "

FFP: Would you recommend Focal Flame to others seeking professional photography? Why or why not?

Laura:"My Focal Flame session fit perfectly with my schedule, and we used a location that gave me great background options to choose from. 

I would highly recommend Focal Flame to anyone seeking professional photography.  My expectations were exceeded, and that is the kind of business where I want to direct my time and money.  I feel fully confident that others would have the same result." 

FFP:Thank you, Laura, for that endorsement. It was a pleasure working with you.

Looking for a headshot photographer in Madison, WI? Look no further - submit an inquiry to the Focal Flame Photography online booking system! 

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Corporate Photography in Madison, WI: SEH, Inc.

by Deborah Proctor

Corporate photography is an important business tool for Short Elliot Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH®), a multi-disciplinary engineering firm that specializes in building safer roads, bridges, parks, and trails with an eye toward renewable energy and sustainability.As engineering professionals, SEH values corporate photography for its ability to add a human factor to an otherwise technical business. As an ongoing part of their business and marketing strategy they commission corporate headshots of new hires and update existing employee photographs every 2-3 years.

Recently, when the Madison, WI office needed a corporate photographer to update the professional headshots of their employees, they turned to Madison corporate headshot photographer, Clint Thayer, of Focal Flame Photography, because his technical skill balanced with his mastery of design closely matched their own technical design skills.

Transportation planning employee Darren Fortney recommended Focal Flame because of his"experience with them on the athletic side." Because Clint had photographed him at various endurance events, Darren knew that Clint had the technical skills and the ability work quickly that is important to a busy firm. "They (Focal Flame) set up a mini (corporate photography) studio in a conference room...were friendly and courteous, knew what they were doing, and did not waste staff time," he said. All are important traits for a professional corporate photographer; in the business world, time is money.

"I am not a smiler, but the photographers gave good direction. I got in and out quickly so I could go on with my day," project engineer, Dean Stodola, commented.Fortney added with a laugh,"They got me to smile and it looks like me, so they must have done something right."

Darren, Dean, and their project manager Jill Fuhrman were part of a team of engineers, architects, planners, and scientists who were involved in the design and installation of the Cannonball Path bicycle and pedestrian bridge over the Beltline in Madison, Wisconsin.

This was a complicated project, shown here with a photo courtesy of SEH. It needed to address the concerns of key stakeholders: the City of Madison, looking to beautify an abandoned rail corridor and create pedestrian and bicycle access across a busy highway to reach downtown; the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, concerned about how traffic would be affected now and in the future; environmentalists, seeking the preservation of the area's natural resources; and residents or business owners concerned about how the project would affect access to their home or of clients to their business. Additionally, the bridge had to allow crossing the road at a significant skew (angle) while avoiding high voltage power lines traversing the narrow right-of-way.

The end result included two 180-foot prefabricated steel trusses. The structure addressed all the concerns and brought to life the city's vision of an artful design with minimal impact to a sensitive environmental area.

One interesting aspect of this project was that the final installation, setting the trusses over the highway, resulted in the total nighttime closure of this major highway (USH12, 14, 18 &151) in both directions. Doing so offered a unique opportunity for workers and SEH engineers to stand in the middle of a 6-lane highway without significant safety concerns. "It was fantastic to see the number of people that gathered to witness the trusses being placed," project manager, Jill Fuhrman, stated. "It is beneficial for people to understand what goes into enhancing and maintaining our transportation system."

Stodola spoke for everyone when he said, "It felt good to be part of a project that turned an abandoned railroad corridor into a attractive means for bicyclists and pedestrians to cross the busy Beltline."

Like their corporate headshot photography project, the Cannonball Path bridge project was accomplished quickly, efficiently, and resulted in a lasting artful image for all who pass.

What do you think of the new Cannonball Path bridge? Did you watch it being installed? Are you looking forward to using it? How and why? Share your thoughts!


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Realtor Headshots: Standing Out From the Crowd

by Deborah Proctor

If you are a real estate agent you know the importance of creating a positive image. It is your job to present the properties you sell in their best light and from the best angle. Do you take the same care when creating your real estate agent portrait?

Mindy Wittig, a newly licensed REALTOR®, grew up in a family of home builders.  Admitting that "given the choice of going to Home Depot or a shoe store, it would be a tough call," she has, over the years, bought and sold several houses —the kind that needed some TLC. Her five brothers taught her how to fix up her properties and move on to the next challenge — a good lesson for her life today. After years editing medical records, her career path ended unexpectedly and she decided to turn her love for buying and fixing up houses into a real estate career, a challenging but rewarding choice she says"suits her perfectly."

One of her first priorities was to have a professional REALTOR® headshot created.  "Having a professional take my headshot was extremely important to me. I knew the picture would be used on all my marketing materials, business cards, and personal website. This is the image that is in front of all potential clients as I build my business."

Being from Milwaukee, Mindy chose Focal Flame Photography because "they came highly recommended by a friend and they were willing to meet with me on short notice when I was going to be in Madison for a meeting."

Jered Schroeckenthaler is turning his love of architecture, especially the mansions of the early 1900s, into a real estate career. The father of four children, ages 2, 3, 4, and 6, chose real estate as a family-friendly alternative to flying all over the country calibrating instruments and computers in power plants and mechanical systems.  

For his official real estate agent portrait, Jered chose a distinctive pink with blue paisley tie that his grandfather gave him. When he wears the tie, he feels a special connection to his grandparents who inspired him to "create a legacy by doing things that matter every day, something to be proud of." He chose Focal Flame Photography to create his Realtor® headshot, because they understood that it was important to him to have a portrait that would reflect that legacy and  "identify myself as a brand."

Since many potential clients view listings online, your REALTOR® headshot is essential in connecting with potential buyers and sellers. It may be your only chance to make a good first impression.

So what does your portrait say about you?

Does it say you are personable? Professional?  Reflect your current age and experience? Does it tell the viewer a little about you without being over the top or tacky? Not sure what I mean? Take a look at some of thesecringe-inducing examples.

Your real estate agent portrait should tell your story without distracting props or backgrounds, outdated clothing, overdone makeup, or the family pet.  In other words, it should express the professional you are at a glance. 

How do you make sure that your REALTOR® headshot expresses the real you, sets you apart from the mass of other real estate agents, and truly connects with the clients who will appreciate your unique talents and skills?

Whether you are a new REALTOR® in need of your first professional real estate agent portrait or an established pro wanting to update your look, the photographers at Focal Flame Photography will meet with you, get to know you, and then create images that tell your story to potential clients.

To discuss how Focal Flame Photography can help you create a REALTOR® headshot that will stand out from the crowd in your marketing channels — direct mail, social media, business cards, Website, and more —  contact us.

For an interesting take on how to present yourself in your headshot, read Kimberly Brook's Huffington Post  Blog, The Art of the Headshot: Everyone's a Real Estate Agent

Are you a REALTOR®? Do you specialize in a certain type of real estate transaction? Why did you become interested in the profession? Share your thoughts!

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Professional Headshot Breanna Schmitt Professional Headshot Breanna Schmitt

Headshot Photography: Putting your Best Face Forward

Portraying Yourself at Different Stages in Your Career

by Deborah Proctor

"Careers are sets of decisions, where you have the chance to emerge from the chrysalis every so often and show the world, show yourself, how you’ve evolved."- Hunter Walk, who recently left YouTube and Google to strike out on his own.

Whether you emerge as a Monarch butterfly or a Luna moth, no matter where you are in the career search lifecycle — new graduate seeking that first real job, seasoned employee making a mid-career change, or experienced executive seeking new challenges — searching for or changing jobs depends greatly on the image you project online.  In most cases, younger job seekers want to appear more mature and experienced while older workers want to showcase their experience with a generous dose of youthful vigor. So how do you present that experienced yet youthful image to a potential employer at different stages in your career?

In an article for US News and World Report, Alison Green, author and creator of the popular "Ask a Manager" blog advises new graduates, "Make sure that your email address, outgoing voice mail message and online presence all portray you as a professional, mature adult, not a partying college student."

Career Services Professional, Jill Wesley, says,  "Presenting too casual an image...not toning down a Facebook page...and thinking that 'If an employer was cool, they would understand,'" are some of the biggest mistakes younger workers make. Citing a well publicized case where a job offer was pulled after the applicant Tweeted about it, she adds, "You can easily damage yourself on Facebook or Twitter."

Wesley went on to say, "Younger employees, just coming out of school, need to help an employer see that they understand the rules of the work environment and part of that is projecting a professional image... to relieve the employer's fears about lack of experience and responsibility (will you show up on time, represent the company well, etc.)"

It is similar for older workers. Despite their perception that employers want younger, cheaper labor, Wesley points out that  "Anecdotally, it appears employers are leaning toward experience."

Yet, older workers need to show they are keeping up with the times. "Stay current with attire and hair" says Enterprise Solutions Technology Group, President and CEO, BJ Pfeiffer, that's the"most effective way to impact the stages of one's career." As in the commercial where the man combs in color to cover some but not all the gray in his hair, an older work wants to give the appearance of both youth AND experience. "Employers are always going to question the energy and relevancy of older workers," states Wayne Breitbarth, author of "The Power Formula for LinkedIn Success" in a recent AARP article.

Both Pfeiffer and Wesley agree that cultivating a professional image is the best way to get hired, and a professional career portrait will present that image better than any do-it-yourself photo. A professional image can even help freelances and entrepreneurs who are creating their own path - a well-composed headshot may help build trust with potential investors, clients, and business partners.

When you schedule a portrait session with Focal Flame photographer Clint Thayer, he will consult with you ahead of time to determine the image you wish to project to a potential employer and then capture that. So whether you are a new graduate just emerging into the workforce who needs to express all the maturity you hold inside or an older worker reemerging as an experienced worker with a lot of life left, Focal Flame Photography will create that image for you.

Do you know a recent graduate looking for their first career job? Or perhaps you know a more mature worker looking for a promotion or career change. Why not give them a boost in the job hunting process with the gift of a professional career image for their online profiles!  

To discuss possibilities or schedule a career portrait session with Focal Flame Photography call 608-772-0048, e-mail us, or fill out an inquiry form by clicking here

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Professional Headshot Breanna Schmitt Professional Headshot Breanna Schmitt

What to Wear to a Professional Headshot Session

by Deborah Proctor

Are you looking for a job? Actively networking as you consider the next stage in your career? How do you connect with recruiters and get that all-important personal interview in this impersonal digital age? The difference between a job seeker and a successful job seeker may come down to one thing — the photo you post in your LinkedIn profile. 

As Career Services Professional, Jill Wesley, mentioned during an interview for our post about personal branding"The image you project online is very important and professional photography is part of that image."

Personal finance expert and author, Jane Bryant Quinn, agrees. In a recent article entitled "Looking for a Job? Go Social"* she gave tips for job seekers in this digital age.  Discussing the importance of setting up a digital profile, she added, "Post an appropriate head shot. Recruiters won't even look at profiles without one."

So what is an appropriate head shot for LinkedIn and other online media profiles?  To project a professional image - whether you are young and just entering the workforce, or you are established in your career path and seeking a change - you need a professional portrait, one that presents you and your personality in a manner that fits the career path you are seeking. If you have any doubt, just peruse a few online profiles and notice the difference between those with professional portraits and those with party or stand up against the wall photos. Which person would you be more likely to hire?

"OK,"you admit that a professional career portrait is important,"but what do I wear or bring to the portrait session that will set me apart?"

BJ Pfieffer, President/CEO  of Enterprise Solutions Technology Group, in Madison,WI, recommends the traditional suit or blazer with dress slacks, skirt or dress " It is always better to make the best impression by erring on the side of dressing up rather than being too casual."  

That being said, Focal Flame Photographer, Clint Thayer, encourages his career photography subjects to "be comfortable in your own skin or style." If you are not comfortable in the clothing you choose, your photographs will show it. "Yet, you need to have the mindset that you are using this portrait for something" whether that is to present a professional business image for your LinkedIn profile or a casual portrait on location for creative purposes.

Pfieffer agrees that personal branding with photographs is "an interesting way to showcase one's career specialty as well as personal style" but this needs to be  appropriate to the industry.For example:"an artist might have a photo of him/herself working on a project (or a series of photos as the project is developing) for a professional site, but for a personal site they might include photos of how the creative process affects their choice of clothing or space" which may be messy.

So bring that professional clothing (suit or blazer and dress slacks for men, with a skirt or dress with 3/4 or long sleeves for women) and use accessories (bow tie, scarf, conservative jewelry) to add a little personality. Start your session formally, then relax a little — take off the tie, take off the jacket and sling it over your shoulder, change to a sweater, or add a hat or signature jewelry to make a creative statement.

Before your portrait session, research the field you intend to go into. Wesley recommends, "check out the profile photographs of others in your field."  Pfieffer suggests, "go stand outside a company where you would like to work as the employees are leaving for lunch and observe."Both recommend applying the lessons you learn and matching the corporate style. 

As a photographer, Thayer takes that one step further. His goal is to create a portrait for you that says, "This is me!"   Whether through clothing choices, poses, or location — photographing his clients in their office or another locale — each Focal Flame career portrait is professional, but lets your individual personality shine through.

For a checklist of what to bring to your career portrait session, see "What to Wear, Bring, or Remember for Your Career Portrait Session." 

Help that new graduate set themselves apart from the crowd and land their first job by purchasing a gift certificate or scheduling a session.  

For more information, call 608-772-0048 or e-mail us, or fill out an inquiry form by clicking here.


* June 2013 AARP Bulletin/Real Possibilities 

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Professional Headshot Breanna Schmitt Professional Headshot Breanna Schmitt

Personal Branding: Using a Headshot to Portray a Professional Image to Employers

Graduation day - or perhaps the decision to go for a mid-career change - has finally come. After years of effort, hopes are high that you will land that dream job!! Yet there are questions too.

What can you do to project a professional image?

How do you make a good first impression?

How do you set yourself apart from the crowd so you're more likely to be hired?

To land that dream job successfully, you need answers to these crucial questions, so Focal Flame Photography (FFP) asked long-time Career Services Professional, Jill Wesley, for some advice.

Focal Flame Photography:  With electronic media becoming crucial in the job search, how important is a professional career portrait to compliment the work experience, qualifications, and skills one presents to a potential employer?

Jill Wesley: “By the time the employer meets you, they have already checked your LinkedIn profile and searched  other online sources (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc.) to learn about you. The image you project online is very important and professional photography is part of that image.”

FFP: What do you tell grads just entering the workforce about making a great first impression?

JW: “Understand the norms of your industry and dress for the environment you will be working in. Check out websites for your field and view the LinkedIn profiles of people in your target industry to see how they present themselves and match it.”

Jill went on to provide these tips for dressing for success.

Business majors, looking to land a job in the financial, consulting, legal, or hospitality industries, should expect to wear full business attire. Anything else will be viewed by a potential employer as overly casual and thus unacceptable. This means:

For men:  A suit, tie, and shined shoes; clean shaven or neatly trimmed facial hair.

For women:  A skirt, closed toe shoes with a low heel, and hose. Jewelry should be compact and simple.

Both sexes: Cover tattoos and remove piercings, with the exception of one pair of earrings for women.

In more creative fields, such as music, computer programming, advertising, PR, and marketing, industry norms might be a little more relaxed. Prospective employers are likely looking for a little personality in the image your present; they want to detect some of the creativity you might bring to the work place.

Be careful not to be too casually, though. There may be more leeway to dress wild, yet in most cases, it is better to tone it down and go conservative to make a better first impression. Business casual is more appropriate for an interview.

Jill adds, " You want to present a professional image but not be too stuffy. . Put in the effort to check the norms for your industry and cultivate that image. If you have any doubts about what is appropriate to wear, dress up a little."

FFP: Is a professional portrait important to set one apart from the crowd?

JW: "It used to be that only upper level professionals had to have professional headshots. Now prospective employers will view your LinkedIn profile and your blog if you have one, so it is important for everyone to have a headshot...You will notice a BIG difference in the image projected by a professional headshot and a random party shot."

FFP: What are some of the common mistakes you see job applicants make?

JW: "Presenting too casual an image...You can always dress down by taking off a jacket or tie; it's harder to dress up if do not have what you need with you."  Closely related is taking the whole job hunt process too casually.

Jill concluded the interview by adding that "a professional portrait would be a great gift for a college graduate." It is an investment in their career future — one that would "set them apart from other graduates that might not realize the importance of a professional image."

Focal Flame Photography is currently booking professional headshot sessions. What's included?

  • A consultation with our photographer where we discuss the purpose and intended use of your portrait
  • One hour of Madison photographer Clint Thayer's undivided time and attention, in a location of your choosing, indoors or out
  • Web-ready digital images of up to two different poses capturing your desired professional image

 For more information, to purchase a gift certificate, or to schedule a session, call 608-772-0048 or e-mail us

Need tips on what to wear to your portrait session? Click here for ideas! Watch this Blog space for information about how to portray yourself at different stages of your career, and learn more about professional headshot sessions.

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Girls on the Run: Meredith Rhodes Carson on Coaching Confidence

By any measure, there is a need for strong girls in the world. Meeting this need requires guidance from one generation to the next. Arising from humble beginnings as a running and self-empowerment program for thirteen elementary-aged girls in 1996, Girls on the Run has exploded into an international effort involving over 130,000 girls and 55,000 volunteers across over 200 cities. Girls meet twice weekly for 10 to 12 weeks to train for a 5k run and talk about topics ranging from what positive self-image means to how to deal with bullying.

But despite the magnitude of Girls on the Run International, at the local level it all comes down to the individuals who make it happen: volunteer coaches.

One such volunteer is Meredith Rhodes Carson, Girls on the Run coach for a team at Thoreau Elementary School in Madison, Wisconsin. Carson has a tremendous depth and range of experience: PhD-level consulting in explorative geology, professional health coaching for brides-to-be, and mother of two active young children.

Focal Flame Photography writer and co-owner Robyn Perrin recently followed up with Carson about some of her experiences as a Girls on the Run coach.

Robyn Perrin / Focal Flame Photography: For those who aren't familiar with the Girls on the Run (GOTR) program, what's involved in a typical practice?

Meredith Rhodes Carson: GOTR practice is divided into several parts; a brief introduction where we discuss the main topic of the lesson (i.e., healthy eating), a getting on board/warm-up where we explore the topic a bit deeper and get the girls moving by playing a short game (i.e., softball, where they are 'pitched' questions about healthy eating), a quick stretch and strengthening routine, and then the actual workout which involves running/walking laps around the practice area.  To wrap up, the girls recognize each other with 'energy awards' and we end with our GOTR cheer.  

FFPWhat inspired you to become a GOTR coach?

Carson: There are a couple of things that inspired me to become a GOTR coach.  When I was growing up, I had some serious issues with self-esteem.  I remember going through a funk (which I would call depression today) in middle school; I was bullied on the school bus, I had a hard time finding real friends, and my mom was facing her own demons at the time.  Fast forward to today: I'm raising a 9-year-old daughter and I desperately want to make sure she has the tools to deal with the stressors of growing up and the confidence to know that she is awesome and that no one should convince her otherwise.  I also wanted to find a way to volunteer in my community - in a way that would help me to grow.  Coaching GOTR has been a great learning experience for me.

FFP: What has been the most rewarding aspect of coaching? 

Carson: I think that the most rewarding aspect of coaching has been to see the girls change over the course of 10 weeks.  I see leaders emerging, I see confidence being gained, I see compassion, I see friends choosing to be in situations that make them happy, I see that many of the girls are learning great things in school and bringing those gifts out to share. 

FFP: Has anything about being a GOTR coach been surprising or unexpected?

Carson: I am surprised by how much the girls transport me back to my youth.  Some of the conversations that we've had really hit home.  Conversations around body image and relationships and missing friends who have moved away... The other coaches and I have been moved to tears after practice remembering what it was like to be in their shoes.

FFP: How has the staff at GOTR-Dane County supported your efforts? 

Carson: The staff at GOTR - Dane County are awesome!  They have been very supportive, incredibly so.  They held new coaches training and first aid sessions to start the season off.  They let me sneak another girl onto the team in the early weeks (would have been so hard to turn her away), they make lesson planning a breeze by sending out weekly reminders about what is coming up, they've provided all of the materials for the lessons, and most of all, they've provided individual support to the girls when needed.  We were able to provide a great new pair of running shoes to one of the girls on the team.  GOTR support is amazing.  They are really committed to making this program successful.

FFP: For those considering coaching a GOTR or Girls On Track team in their community, what advice would you share?

Carson: If you are on the edge about becoming a GOTR coach, I would offer this advice.  You might approach GOTR coaching as a way for you to grow personally, not with the idea that you don't have what it takes to coach, or that you have nothing to teach the girls, or that you don't know how to run (because it's not a running program).  My default state throughout my adult life has been to be sort of scheduled, to play by the book, to plan and maybe to over-plan.  Coaching GOTR has enabled me to let loose, to let things happen and unfold, to throw the book away when good things are happening, and to appreciate how each lesson is played out.

While the lessons are literally written out for you, the spontaneity of practice is rewarding.  Not to mention that the girls really do value the program... they know me now... It's great to be hugged in the hallways at school.  I'll forever be Coach Myrtle. 

FFPHow has GOTR influenced the rest of your family?

Carson: I have a jealous little guy at home, who would really like to be a Boy on the Run.  

FFP: What do you want the community to know about GOTR

Carson: I found out about GOTR through a friend - who happens to be a former GOTR coach.  We were discussing how to raise a confident daughter (and I really didn't know, as I lost that confidence when I was growing up).  My friend said to me, "She needs to do Girls on the Run."  She was right.  TheGOTR program is designed to give our girls the tools to be positive, to treat themselves well, to understand their emotions, to practice gratitude, to value what's really important, to cooperate, to stand up to peer pressure and bullying, to understand how harmful gossip is, to choose friends that lift you up, and to work together to support their community. 

Please join Girls on the Run Dane County for the 2nd Annual Spring 5K on Saturday, June 8 at McKee Farms Park in Fitchburg, WI. 

For more stories of ordinary people doing amazing things, follow Focal Flame Photography on FacebookTwitter, and Google+

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Professional Headshot Breanna Schmitt Professional Headshot Breanna Schmitt

Actor Headshot Photography: Jason Wilson, Voice Actor

If you think about it, hardly a day goes by without hearing the talent of a voice actor. Whenever you listen to the radio, television, movies, or online videos, professional voice actors make messages come alive and keep audiences engaged, and yet relatively few are recognized as household names despite the importance of their craft. With an uncanny ability to alter their vocal pitch, inflection, and accent, professional voice actors can emulate a wide range of characters and ages.

But does a voice actor need a headshot in their portfolio? Absolutely, said broadcaster and voice talent Jason Wilson, who goes by Jason Ryan on-air. A radio professional with over 16 years experience, Jason said, “Just because I use my voice, doesn't mean they shouldn't see my face, right?”

As afternoon air talent for Lite 107.3 WSJY (Fort Atkinson, WI) and announcer for theNAHL Junior A League Janesville Jets hockey team, Jason realized that he wanted to also pursue additional avenues as a voice professional. “Voice acting is an extension of what I do at my radio station,” said Jason. “I’m able to create with sound and paint a picture using my imagination.”

Selected to be represented by the talent agency Lori Lins Ltd with offices in Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago, Jason found need for an updated actor headshot in his portfolio. One challenge: extremely short notice for the interview with the agency.

No problem whatsoever – Focal Flame Photography was able to book a session that met Jason’s timeline. Photographer Clint Thayer and assistant Josh talked with Jason to determine his desired look. “For my headshots, I wanted to convey professionalism and a very sharp look.  I’d like for people to look at my headshot and think, ‘This guy’s got his stuff together.  He didn’t fall off the turnip truck yesterday,’” said Jason. “But I didn’t want anything too ‘stuffy’ or ‘formal,’ just something nice and clean.”

The resulting images covered a range of poses and styles, and Jason selected some classic black-and-white images with clean composition for his signature actor headshots. Mentioning that the photo shoot was relaxing and fun, Jason said, “Clint was very easy to work with.  He knew what was going to work at the shoot and wasted no time in getting what he wanted.” As for recommending Focal Flame Photography for headshots to other acting professionals, Jason was straightforward. “Of course I would recommend Focal Flame to others. If you want professional pictures, you go to Clint and Focal Flame.”

As Jason anticipates upcoming auditions through the talent agency, he expects a range of opportunities that will allow him to stretch himself creatively. “As I told [agency representatives] at the end of my orientation, ‘Just keep feeding me.’  I’ll do whatever they throw at me because I know I can do it and do it well.”

We couldn’t agree more. Jason’s future sounds great – literally.

Interested in more info about professional headshot photography? Click here to learn more!

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Professional Headshot Breanna Schmitt Professional Headshot Breanna Schmitt

Professional Headshots

Getting quality professional headshots in Madison, WI used to be something only actors worried about. But in our increasingly visual age, where LinkedIn is the new business card and networking though Facebook might lead to the next job interview, people in all fields need a professional image.

Professional headshots, also referred to as corporate headshots or business portraits, have one purpose: to present a powerful visual element that coincides with business or personal goals. The professional headshot offers instantaneous association between an individual's professional persona and their image. By authentically reflecting a person’s personality, the portrait can increase personal and career branding.

These exact reasons influenced Kim Beck Seder’s decision to have her picture taken. Beck Seder, a graduate student, had been awarded a scholarship by the American Musicological Society. “I decided to get a headshot taken since the governing body in my field wanted to put a picture of me up in front of everyone at the annual business meeting.  I figure it can’t hurt to have a professional photo taken to be displayed in front of so many people, some of whom might be interviewing me for a job in the near future.”

In addition to her very specific need for a headshot, Beck Seder realized some future employers may request a photo along with her application. Other uses of professional headshots include social media and websites, corporate publications, and promotional newsletters. Presenting a consistent professional image that communicates BeckSeder’s personality was important and influenced her selection of a photographer. 

Needing professional headshots taken in Madison, WI area, Beck Seder turned to Focal Flame’s photographer, Clint Thayer. She said, “I know Clint’s work and his passion for capturing excellent images – still or moving.  I also knew we’d have the flexibility of doing the photos outside, which really suits my personality and lifestyle. One of the things I really like about my favorite headshot is that I look professional and engaged, but also youthful and energetic, which is needed in my field.”

The importance of facial recognition to personal branding can not be underestimated. The unifying element between the LinkedIn page, the personal website, and the face-to-face handshake is a quality professional headshot. Thayer, who has shot dozens of professional headshots in Madison, WI for UW Department of Medicine, points out, “The value of a headshot is that it captures an individual visually just as a resume portrays them in words.”

Beck Seder concludes, “I definitely think I made a good investment in having these photos taken. The professional image you send out in the world is more important than you think.”

Looking for a professional headshot photographer in Madison, WI or Milwaukee, WI? Contact us today! Join the conversation on the Focal Flame Photography facebook page, Twitter feed, and Google+

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