Corporate Photography in Madison, WI: SEH, Inc.

by Deborah Proctor

Corporate photography is an important business tool for Short Elliot Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH®), a multi-disciplinary engineering firm that specializes in building safer roads, bridges, parks, and trails with an eye toward renewable energy and sustainability.As engineering professionals, SEH values corporate photography for its ability to add a human factor to an otherwise technical business. As an ongoing part of their business and marketing strategy they commission corporate headshots of new hires and update existing employee photographs every 2-3 years.

Recently, when the Madison, WI office needed a corporate photographer to update the professional headshots of their employees, they turned to Madison corporate headshot photographer, Clint Thayer, of Focal Flame Photography, because his technical skill balanced with his mastery of design closely matched their own technical design skills.

Transportation planning employee Darren Fortney recommended Focal Flame because of his"experience with them on the athletic side." Because Clint had photographed him at various endurance events, Darren knew that Clint had the technical skills and the ability work quickly that is important to a busy firm. "They (Focal Flame) set up a mini (corporate photography) studio in a conference room...were friendly and courteous, knew what they were doing, and did not waste staff time," he said. All are important traits for a professional corporate photographer; in the business world, time is money.

"I am not a smiler, but the photographers gave good direction. I got in and out quickly so I could go on with my day," project engineer, Dean Stodola, commented.Fortney added with a laugh,"They got me to smile and it looks like me, so they must have done something right."

Darren, Dean, and their project manager Jill Fuhrman were part of a team of engineers, architects, planners, and scientists who were involved in the design and installation of the Cannonball Path bicycle and pedestrian bridge over the Beltline in Madison, Wisconsin.

This was a complicated project, shown here with a photo courtesy of SEH. It needed to address the concerns of key stakeholders: the City of Madison, looking to beautify an abandoned rail corridor and create pedestrian and bicycle access across a busy highway to reach downtown; the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, concerned about how traffic would be affected now and in the future; environmentalists, seeking the preservation of the area's natural resources; and residents or business owners concerned about how the project would affect access to their home or of clients to their business. Additionally, the bridge had to allow crossing the road at a significant skew (angle) while avoiding high voltage power lines traversing the narrow right-of-way.

The end result included two 180-foot prefabricated steel trusses. The structure addressed all the concerns and brought to life the city's vision of an artful design with minimal impact to a sensitive environmental area.

One interesting aspect of this project was that the final installation, setting the trusses over the highway, resulted in the total nighttime closure of this major highway (USH12, 14, 18 &151) in both directions. Doing so offered a unique opportunity for workers and SEH engineers to stand in the middle of a 6-lane highway without significant safety concerns. "It was fantastic to see the number of people that gathered to witness the trusses being placed," project manager, Jill Fuhrman, stated. "It is beneficial for people to understand what goes into enhancing and maintaining our transportation system."

Stodola spoke for everyone when he said, "It felt good to be part of a project that turned an abandoned railroad corridor into a attractive means for bicyclists and pedestrians to cross the busy Beltline."

Like their corporate headshot photography project, the Cannonball Path bridge project was accomplished quickly, efficiently, and resulted in a lasting artful image for all who pass.

What do you think of the new Cannonball Path bridge? Did you watch it being installed? Are you looking forward to using it? How and why? Share your thoughts!


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Commercial Photography: 5 Things Your Graphic Designer Wishes You Knew About Photographs

by Deborah Proctor

In this increasingly visual world, where photography is key to graphic design in marketing, we wanted to better understand how to make a lasting impression with graphic design photography. Callie Reger, a graphic designer at a marketing agency that specializes in direct marketing in both digital and print media, agreed to share her knowledge and insight. Callie's work involves large companies with existing marketing teams that tap into her firm's niche strengths, as well as smaller businesses that use the firm as consultants for every aspect of their business marketing strategy.

"Choosing images for client campaigns is OUR NUMBER ONE DAILY STRUGGLE," Callie explained. "Traditional as well as social media platforms like Pinterest and Facebook demand strong photography and  graphic design that is equally about appearance as it is about functionality. Yet, designers rarely get quality client-provided photography."

Callie shared these FIVE COMMON MISTAKES that graphic design clients - large and small - make when submitting marketing photographs:

1) Sending low quality photos taken from their smart phones or pocket digital cameras
"The low quality of these images makes them a poor choice for any application. Ideally, a graphic designer wants a TIFF file, at least 300 dpi, that will facilitate any needed retouching and color correction and still maintain a quality image. JPEGS have been compressed to reduce the file size of the image — retouching can still be done but there is not as much detailed information.  We can always compress an image, but we can't enhance what isn't there."

2) Pulling a generic image off a "Google search"
"Internet images are a very low quality. Even more importantly, though, 
you never know where those images came from - or whether you can obtain a license to use them commercially." You certainly don't want to be the children's facility that inadvertently used the photo of an abducted child on their marketing flyer. (Yes - this actually happened!)

3) Believing that Photoshop can fix EVERYTHING
"Photoshop® is a powerful program, however it has its limitations when working with poorly composed, compressed, or low resolution images. We can usually crop things out and adjust the image but we can't magically reattach limbs or rebuild a structure that has been left out of the shot."

4) Using stock photography where custom photography would be more effective
"When our client does not provide a collection of quality images suitable for different layouts, we can use images from stock photo agencies. However, a generic stock photo, though taken by a professional, may not be an accurate representation of our client's actual situation. Stock imagery might connect with the consumer on the direct mail piece, but not match their expectations when they walk in the door. There is also the risk of creating confusion in the minds of potential clients by using a photo that one of your competitors may also use."

5) Thinking professional custom photography is too expensive
"When the goal is to sell the uniqueness of our client to the consumer, it is often more cost effective to hire a photographer to create a custom collection of images. A professional photographer has the technical skill to use the elements of art and well staged lighting to carefully craft high quality marketing images that will set your business apart from the competition."

When asked to share the one piece of advice she would give her clients if they want a good graphic design marketing piece, Callie replied,"To be seen as a professional, it is important to create a professional first impression...It's worth the investment to hire a professional photographer who will create striking, high quality photography that will translate well to print marketing materials and web applications and  thus attract clients."

We thank Callie for taking to time to share these tips for selecting images for future graphic design marketing pieces.

Thinking about your commercial photography needs? Contact us today for a consultation - we can help you stand out from your competitors and create a lasting impression for your customers. 

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Realtor Headshots: Standing Out From the Crowd

by Deborah Proctor

If you are a real estate agent you know the importance of creating a positive image. It is your job to present the properties you sell in their best light and from the best angle. Do you take the same care when creating your real estate agent portrait?

Mindy Wittig, a newly licensed REALTOR®, grew up in a family of home builders.  Admitting that "given the choice of going to Home Depot or a shoe store, it would be a tough call," she has, over the years, bought and sold several houses —the kind that needed some TLC. Her five brothers taught her how to fix up her properties and move on to the next challenge — a good lesson for her life today. After years editing medical records, her career path ended unexpectedly and she decided to turn her love for buying and fixing up houses into a real estate career, a challenging but rewarding choice she says"suits her perfectly."

One of her first priorities was to have a professional REALTOR® headshot created.  "Having a professional take my headshot was extremely important to me. I knew the picture would be used on all my marketing materials, business cards, and personal website. This is the image that is in front of all potential clients as I build my business."

Being from Milwaukee, Mindy chose Focal Flame Photography because "they came highly recommended by a friend and they were willing to meet with me on short notice when I was going to be in Madison for a meeting."

Jered Schroeckenthaler is turning his love of architecture, especially the mansions of the early 1900s, into a real estate career. The father of four children, ages 2, 3, 4, and 6, chose real estate as a family-friendly alternative to flying all over the country calibrating instruments and computers in power plants and mechanical systems.  

For his official real estate agent portrait, Jered chose a distinctive pink with blue paisley tie that his grandfather gave him. When he wears the tie, he feels a special connection to his grandparents who inspired him to "create a legacy by doing things that matter every day, something to be proud of." He chose Focal Flame Photography to create his Realtor® headshot, because they understood that it was important to him to have a portrait that would reflect that legacy and  "identify myself as a brand."

Since many potential clients view listings online, your REALTOR® headshot is essential in connecting with potential buyers and sellers. It may be your only chance to make a good first impression.

So what does your portrait say about you?

Does it say you are personable? Professional?  Reflect your current age and experience? Does it tell the viewer a little about you without being over the top or tacky? Not sure what I mean? Take a look at some of thesecringe-inducing examples.

Your real estate agent portrait should tell your story without distracting props or backgrounds, outdated clothing, overdone makeup, or the family pet.  In other words, it should express the professional you are at a glance. 

How do you make sure that your REALTOR® headshot expresses the real you, sets you apart from the mass of other real estate agents, and truly connects with the clients who will appreciate your unique talents and skills?

Whether you are a new REALTOR® in need of your first professional real estate agent portrait or an established pro wanting to update your look, the photographers at Focal Flame Photography will meet with you, get to know you, and then create images that tell your story to potential clients.

To discuss how Focal Flame Photography can help you create a REALTOR® headshot that will stand out from the crowd in your marketing channels — direct mail, social media, business cards, Website, and more —  contact us.

For an interesting take on how to present yourself in your headshot, read Kimberly Brook's Huffington Post  Blog, The Art of the Headshot: Everyone's a Real Estate Agent

Are you a REALTOR®? Do you specialize in a certain type of real estate transaction? Why did you become interested in the profession? Share your thoughts!

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Marketing Your Business: Who Is Your Visual Protagonist?

by Deborah Proctor

Protagonist is defined as "chief actor,"  "one who plays the first part," or "one who plays the leading role" in a novel, movie, play, or other fictional medium. When marketing your business, creating your small business advertising plan or choosing photography for small businesses, it is important to think about who will be your protagonist and how you will tell your company's story not only in words but visually.

Think of a few iconic marketing protagonists that we are all familiar with. Characters like "Flo;" as soon as you see her blue headband and white apron you recognize her as the Progressive Insurance® spokesperson. Or when you see a photo of the Travelocity® roaming gnome nestled in some idyllic location, do you wonder where in the world he is and how you'd like to be in that picture too?  And, what if I say "gecko." Do you say "GEICO®?"

Sometimes the company protagonist is simply a logo — think of Target®, Nike®, or Pepsi®— did you picture the red and white bull’s-eye, the "swoosh," or the red, white, and blue circle? Or even just a single color, such as the orange used for ING® Financial Services? No words necessary. Visual storytelling at work.

For non-profits and medium or small business advertising and marketing though, the owner, CEO, or founder may become the "face" of your company. You may hang your name on just one product and that becomes the image of your company. Can a product itself be the visual protagonist? Yes! But it must take on a persona of its own. Or perhaps you choose to use customer testimonials for marketing your business. Each of these is a protagonist – the leading subject that tells your organization's story.

Yet, remember that the protagonist "plays the leading role." Choose your starring character and how you present it to your audience wisely. Think of an amateurish customer testimonial commercial you’ve seen in the past. Did it make you think highly of the company presenting that message, or did you wonder if perhaps they might be just as unprofessional as their spokesperson?

Before you create that first marketing piece, think carefully about the visual image you wish to impress on a potential customer's mind. Then, intentionally set out to create that visual image and project it in every ad, every marketing message, and on every product you create. But most importantly, think of your visual protagonist as a character. What does it do? Think? Avoid? As an example, the Horribly Hilly Hundreds bike tour leveraged its visual protagonist – a Viking (which ties in with the tagline, “Biking like a Viking,”), by commissioning a series of commercial photographs by Focal Flame Photography featuring a 2 in.-tall Viking doll named Bram placed in different sponsor’s businesses. It made for a compelling social media contest where participants guessed the location to win a prize. (And boy, are miniature Viking dolls demanding models…always taking breaks for “hair and makeup” and demanding ale – whew!) 

Humans are a visual lot, that is why the Travelocity® gnome or the Nike® "swoosh" do not need any words to go with them. You want to create the same instant recognition, so when creating your advertising and marketing materials, choose high quality, professional photography for small businesses to make your story come alive in potential customer's minds. A picture truly IS worth a thousand words.

Sure, there are many stock images available online, but were any of those images designed to tell your story? Will they create that memorable connection in a potential customer's mind when they see the same image in someone else's advertising too? Not likely. They might even be the same stock images that your competitor is using, which can dilute brand recognition.

When you take the time to "plot your story," truly thinking about the image you wish to project, and then deliberately create that image through a smart tag line and photography specific to your company, you will stand out from the crowd. Like that gecko, you will create a memory in the viewer's mind that is unique to your company alone. That visual  image — the one that shouts your company's brand and yours alone — that is your protagonist and you can only get that with professional images created just for you.

Focal Flame Photography is in the visual storytelling business. On any commercial photography assignment, before we make a single image, we spend time with you, get to know your plans, your goals, help you select your protagonist, and plot out the story you wish to tell. Then we set about telling your story in expressive, compelling images. Using imagery with high stopping power will enhance your marketing message and capture the attention of viewers. To learn more or to discuss how Focal Flame photography for small businesses can help you enhance your business image, contact us.

In every story there is a protagonist — who or what is yours? Share your experiences!

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SportCrafters Omnium: Bike Trainer for All

by Deborah Proctor

Focal Flame Photography had the honor of creating a media library of commercial photographs for SportCrafters, a Granger, IN-based cycling products company dedicated to designing and manufacturing trainers and bike accessories. While creating images to support the product launch of the Omniumbike trainer, we were fascinated to learn more about the Omnium and the flexibility that it offers to cyclists.


If you are among the relatively small percentage of cyclists who use roller trainers, you already know what "rollers" can do to improve technique, power, efficiency, and handling skills. You might even wish you could take your trainer on the road with you for warm-ups before every race.

 If you are a novice or intermediate cyclist though, just racing for the thrill on weekends, you may wonder, "What is so important about a pre-race warm up?"

Sarah Houser, marketing manager at SportCrafters, one of the premier manufacturers of cycling,trike, and hand cycle trainers and accessories, explains, "Taking the time to warm up before a race and achieving, in that warm up, the maximum effort you will put out during the race are critical to your body's performance, especially for cyclocross, criterium, mountain, and road racing. When you have to be ready to rocket out of the start, you can't waste time easing your way into the race."

In an article on the importance of a good warm up and how to attain it, Bicycling Magazine, suggests pre-race warm ups as a way for older athletes to keep up with or gain a competitive advantage over younger racers.  Read the article here.

The people at SportCrafters know competitive racing and the importance of a good warm up. That is why they created the "Omnium," the first folding race warm up trainer that you can take with you to any race, anywhere. Despite its super compact size, it offers the advantages of a much larger warm up trainer, yet packs into a TSA friendly carry-on.

What are the advantages of the Omnium over other roller trainers?

  • Less wear on the tires compared to rear-clamp trainers.  The rear wheel only design and smooth SportsCrafter drums mean you can leave your race wheels on when using the Omnium.
  • No risk of chain alignment issues, since there is no need to remove the rear wheel or skewer to use the Omnium.
  • You get the same power profile as a fluid stationary trainer. The faster you pedal the Omnium, the  more resistance you feel, so you can get the full benefit of varying the intensity of your workout even on race day.
  • Bike shops can use it to test any type of bike — road, mountain, time trial — the Omnium is so highly compatible that bike shops use it to help customers try out a variety of different bicycles.
  • Lightweight and portable. The Omnium folds up to a very small, easy to take with you size.  Pack it in your backpack or carry-on and take it on business trips, vacations, or when traveling to races.  
  • The Omnium meets FAA regulations for carry-on size luggage, so you can take it with you to races across the country or around the world.

Houser reveals that the name, "Omnium," comes from the Latin "omni" which means "all" — "because it is a trainer that is suitable for all bikes, all seasons, and all purposes." She adds, "The Omnium is so small when folded, it is convenient to store, pack, and carry, even on an airplane, and thus perfect for the competitive athlete who travels."

If you would like to try out the Omnium, it will be on display at Interbike, an annual, by-invitation-only "everything biking" event for the cycling industry.  If you did not receive an invitation, don't worry — you will soon see the Omnium at a SportCrafters dealer near you. For more information, .

Do you train with rollers? How would you use a SportCrafters Omnium to improve your technique? Share your thoughts!

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Food photography: Chef Jon Sauce, All in the Family

By Robyn M. Perrin

How much can one person’s quiet, consistent love affect the path of generations that follow? More than mere words can say. And yet, words must tell such stories. Here is one journey spanning three generations. 

My maternal grandmother was Helen Molnar. The photo on the right-hand side shows her at her high school graduation in 1939. Her abiding quality was kindness, of a depth and genuineness rarely seen. I knew her as a granddaughter knows a grandmother: as a source of steady encouragement, as someone who would listen closely to your thoughts, and as a woman who worked hard her entire life yet always had time for an embrace, a cup of tea, and conversation.

She shared her love of cooking with family and friends throughout her lifetime, baking endless loaves of Hungarian kolach bread and mountains of kifles and bow tie cookies (csoroge) in a walk-thorough galley kitchen that must have measured about 9 feet by 15 feet.

She was also grandmother to my cousin, Jon Molnar, who absorbed every ounce of her passion for hand-crafted food. Jon baked and cooked side by side with Grandma Helen. He was riveted by her intuitive sense of the precise moment to add oregano, the exact pressure to apply to the strudel dough so it would stretch rather than break, and which cabbage would yield succulent töltötkáposzta. And most of all, he learned first-hand that the act of nourishing someone by cooking for them is an act of love.

It was no surprise that Jon chose the culinary arts as his profession.

He attended the Pennsylvania Institute of Culinary Arts and worked tirelessly as in a variety of settings, from commercial kitchens to private sectors to his own establishment. Then, he launched his own brand of food products: Chef Jon Culinary Creations.

A flagship product line for Chef Jon is the Genuine Tuscany sauces. Made with tomatoes sourced from Tuscany, they are deeply flavorful, and far different from the typical thin-palate salty fare of most bottled pasta sauces.

As demand for the Chef Jon Genuine Tuscany pasta and pizza sauces grew, Jon and his wife Cheryl – a professional graphic designer – realized that they would need food photography images to help market the product to consumers and approach retailers to discuss product placement in stores. They hired Madison photographer Clint Thayer of Focal Flame Photography for the series.

“The goals were to shoot the sauce as product shots (on white backgrounds) and to shoot the sauce in a kitchen setting,” said Cheryl. Clint worked with Orange Tree Imports to ensure that the demonstration kitchen background was authentic and warmly lit, taking care that the vibrant color of the sauces invited the eye. Even within glass bottles, the ruby hues were evocative.

 “Clint provided crisp, well lit product photos,” said Cheryl, adding that as a design professional she appreciated the creative approaches Focal Flame Photography provided.

And of course, after the photo shoot, there was an opportunity to try the sauces. Gathered around the table with my family, I took a bite of spaghetti with Bolognese sauce and was immediately transported back to that tiny galley kitchen. The flavor may have been Italian rather than Hungarian, but the signature was unmistakable: this was something that was developed through love of the craft, through a sincere desire to offer a gift of food carefully prepared. I had to catch my breath at the sudden memory of Grandma Helen, beaming with pride in an apron with flour-covered hands.

Jobb adni, mint kapni,” she might say. It’s better to give than to receive.


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5 Reasons Every Small Business Owner Needs a Photographer

At its core, Focal Flame Photography is a small business.  We know firsthand the experience of building a new business endeavor from concept development to hiring employees. We understand the sacrifices made, the devotion to developing a quality product and service, and the need to squeeze social media engagement in after the children's bedtime. We've always been a fan of small business owners but over the past few years that respect has deepened even further through personal experience. And since our small business focuses on visual storytelling, we've come to realize how important a photographer can be in the development and promotion of a small business. Here are a few tips on how photographers can lighten the load for business owners.

1. Photos build relationships.

Once upon a time, it was common to walk into the corner market and find Mr. Smith behind the counter day after day. There was a familiarity and relationship in that setting - a familiarity that can sometimes be missing today, especially when your customers find you online rather than at the corner of Second and Walnut.

Photos of you and your staff bring that corner-market intimacy back. Whether displayed on a web site or displayed in your store, showing a recently taken professional headshot of each staff member conveys friendliness and creates an instant connection. It allows for easy recognition when customers need assistance. And it builds your brand image and individual recognition.

Professional headshots allow for integration between a small business owner’s personal LinkedIn account, business web site, and a Facebook Page. This continuity deeps the association between your business and yourself. Keep photos current, no more than two years old. Facial features, hairstyles - they all change over time, and outdated images can be distracting. Let your staff headshots be a reflection of your commitment to customer service: fresh and high-energy.

2. Photos tell a story quickly.

The old adage “A picture is worth a thousand words” is very true. Photos can communicate a great deal to others about your business or organization’s core values.

Visitors can assume your organization welcomes diversity if the entry foyer is decorated with oversize photographs of children, teens, families and seniors from a variety of ethnicities.

Professional photos added to a Facebook page album titled “Services” can let a potential client know your landscape company offers weekly summer mowing service and winter snow removal.

Bookmarks made of photos from your last benefit book drive and tucked in each new book purchase lets your patrons know they contribute to a larger community cause by shopping at your store.

The bottom line: photos can tell your small business or organization’s story - fast.

3. Photos Document Events

Whether it's your ribbon cutting grand opening, a class or workshop, a conference, a customer appreciation day, a major product release, a holiday or seasonal event for your customers, or even an employee retreat or board meeting, a lot of effort and resources are spent planning your business events. These events simply can't be replicated. Don't forget to hire a photographer to commemorate these important times in your business' history! Having a photo library of events lets you amplify their effect for a long time afterwards through press releases, social media posts, newsletters to customers, and even internal company communications.

4. Photos Enhance Advertising

The most common reason for a small business owner to need professional photographs is to promote products, events, and services.

Photography can be used to market your company’s product line, the location of your business, or people engaged with your services. These photos can be used for print ads, brochures, mailers, posters, print and digital catalogs, and web pages. High-impact commercial photos can literally stop your customers in their tracks, drawing them into the story of your business and connecting with them on an emotional level. 

5. Photos Increase Social Media Engagement

In today’s social-media oriented world,consumers have a desire to interact and engage with brands and they do so with photos more than any other type of post. In his article, “Optimizing Facebook Engagement – Text, Links, Photos, or Videos?” on Social Media Today, Morgan Arnold shares that photos provide the greatest return on investment compared to other types of posts - almost triple the level of engagement compared to text alone. In a study conducted in May, 2012 tracking 8,000 posts by 100 well-known brands, Track Social found a photo received over 6,000 points (1 point awarded per like, 3 points awarded per comment) compared to slightly over 2,000 points on a text status. Simply put: photos rule!

In order to post fresh content on the web, whether it’s a Facebook page or company web site, small business owners need a photo bank showing their products and services. In just a few hours, a professional photographer can often compile an array of photos that you can draw on to promote social media engagement for many months.

Want to learn more about how visual storytelling can help your business grow? Sign up for our e-newsletter - tips and exclusive discounts delivered right to you!

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