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Madison Marathon Profile: Becky Pelnar

Madison runner Becky Pelnar fell in love with her sport and never looked back. Pelnar overcame injury to complete nine half-marathons and one marathon - and has her sights set on a personal record.  "I never used to be a runner, but all it takes is pushing yourself a little further and further each time," she said. "You just need to remember to relax, enjoy the scenery as you go, and smile." 

Madison, Wisconsin runner Becky Pelnar (28) has overcome injury to run - and has her sights set on improving her marathon time.  Pelnar has completed six Half Madison Marathons and is training for her first Full Madison Marathon on November 9.

Focal Flame Photography, the official race photography firm for the 2014 Madison Marathon events, asked her about why she runs.

With a smile elicited by the sheer joy of running, Becky Pelnar pursues the sport she has come to love. Taken during the 2014 Spring Madison Half Marathon. © 2014 Focal Flame Photography | Photo credit: Katie Richard

Focal Flame Photography (FFP): How many total marathons or half marathons have you run?
Becky Pelnar:  One full marathon and nine half marathons.

FFP: Have you participated in other events aside from the Madison Marathon?
Becky: I have run the Haunted Hustle, Tough Mudder, Warrior Dash, Ugly Sweater 5K, and Electric Run 5K.

FFP: Are there any personal accomplishments you would like to mention?
Becky:  I trained for the Madison Marathon in May 2012, but it was cancelled due to the heat so I ran the half instead.  During my training I developed Achilles problems, but I still signed up for the Haunted Hustle Marathon that October.  Due to my injury I did not train at all but still ran the entire Haunted Hustle and managed to finish under 5 hours (not great, but not terrible for my first full marathon, especially with a lack of training).  I'm running the Madison Marathon this November to try to get a better time!

FFP: What does running and participating in events such as the Madison Marathon mean to you?  
All it takes is one race to get someone hooked.  The adrenaline, the excitement and camaraderie from fellow racers, and the support from spectators can be all the motivation someone needs to participate in a race.  For me, I love getting to run through my hometown here in Madison, seeing familiar faces and places along the way.  I get to support my city while feeling an amazing sense of accomplishment and pride at the same time.

FFP: With so many races to choose from, what makes the Madison Marathon special?
  I love starting and ending at the Capitol!  I think overall the course showcases some of the best features of Madison — the Arboretum, Governor's Mansion, Monroe Street, etc.

FFP: What would you tell other racers about participating in the Madison Marathon?
Get ready to enjoy a beautiful course, motivating spectators, and of course some delicious beer at the end (the real motivation, after all!) 

FFP: Is there anything else about your journey as a runner that you think we should know
 I always tell people, if I can run a race, ANYONE can.  I never used to be a runner, but all it takes is pushing yourself a little further and further each time.  You just need to remember to relax, enjoy the scenery as you go, and smile.

This article is part of a series featuring athletes who are participating in the Madison Half Marathon or Madison Marathon on November 9, 2014.  For more information or to register, visit Madison Marathon. 

- Interview by Deb Proctor

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Sport Events, Athlete Profile Breanna Schmitt Sport Events, Athlete Profile Breanna Schmitt

Care2Tri: Inclusion and Acceptance of Differently Abled Athletes

Care2Tri is a nonprofit dedicated to making it possible for differently-abled people to experience the challenge, the thrill, and the joy of participating in triathlons and similar events by helping them compete. We caught up with Ryan Flynn, one of the founders and leaders of the Care2Tri Chicago chapter, after the Pleasant Prairie Triathlon and asked him about his organization. Read what he had to say about his personal experiences with Care2Tri.

If you participated in the 2014 Pleasant Prairie Triathlon, you may have noticed some special teams of athletes from the nonprofit organization Care2Tri taking on the challenge of the race. Founded in 2009, Care2Tri is dedicated to making it possible for differently-abled people to experience the challenge, the thrill, and the joy of participating in triathlons and similar events by helping them compete. The mission of the organization is to “create a sense of equality and help steer the views of mainstream society to one of acceptance and inclusion,” one race at a time. 
We caught up with Ryan Flynn, one of the founders and leaders of the Care2Tri Chicago chapter, after the Pleasant Prairie Triathlon and asked him about his organization.

Focal Flame Photography: What was your motivation in starting a Care2Tri chapter?
Flynn: I have been racing in triathlons for 5 years and absolutely love the sport and competition, yet I’ve always wanted to do something more to share the experience with other people. I saw coverage of the Florida Rev 3 triathlon where Care2Tri was highlighted.   I was very moved and spoke with founder Greg Simony about starting a chapter, which along with Carrie Wisniewski we did in September 2013.

A Care2Tri team prepares to head out for the swim leg of the Pleasant Prairie Triathlon. 
© 2014 Focal Flame Photography | Photo credit: Clint Thayer

FFP: Adaptive vans, equipment, and traveling to races is expensive. How is Care2 Tri supported?
Flynn: We are fortunate to have some corporate sponsors in the form of product, but we rely solely on local businesses, friends, family, and fellow triathletes for funding.  We held fundraisers throughout the winter, used the funds to purchase equipment and insurance, and had our first race in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin in the spring of 2014.  That was really a big moment for the Chicago Chapter!  And you can see it in the photos Focal Flame took!

The swim is a team effort, with Care2Tri members taking turns pulling an inflatable vessel carrying another member. 
© 2014 Focal Flame Photography | Photo credit: Austin Cope

FFP: How many races have you run and how many people with disabilities have you served so far?
Flynn: I have completed 2 races with Care2Tri, pulling 3 athletes with disabilities; we have at least 3 more on the schedule for 2014. We plan to participate in the same 5 races next year and add more. Currently, we are trying to organize racing 50 triathlons in all 50 states in 50 consecutive days, pulling 3 disabled participants in each state.

FFP: How has starting this chapter of Care2 Tri affected you personally and/or professionally? 
Flynn: It certainly has been a challenge, but the joy and pride our participants experience during the races makes all the hard work worth it! As long as I am able, I will continue to make these opportunities available.

A bike trailer converts to a running cart, helping the Care2Tri team achieve their goal. The Chicago chapter raised funds for the Wike cart for use in training and competition. 
© 2014 Focal Flame Photography | Photo credit; Jacob Ennis

FFP: What impact has your organization had on the community? 
Flynn: In the short time that we have been participating in races, we have had a lot of triathletes and spectators come to us and want to get involved and race with us.  Just through modeling the right approach, others want to get on board. 

FFP: Does your organization partner with support groups to either connect with people with disabilities, raise funds, or provide support? 
Flynn: We partner with the Anixter Center, United Cerebral Palsy, Disabled Veterans, Wounded Warriors, and the YMCA, encouraging them to promote our organization and allow us to speak at health and fitness engagements.  We have worked with people with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, autism, Rett syndrome, brain injuries, Down syndrome, and people who are blind, quadriplegic, or amputees. If someone has the desire, we will find a way for them to participate in any race.

FFP: If someone wishes to be a part of Chicago Care2Tri chapter, whom should they contact? 
Flynn: We welcome race guides and volunteers for race day, as well as help with fundraising, marketing, and race organization. Contact:   

Focal Flame Photography is honored to capture moments such as the amazing teamwork of Care2Tri members during our service as the official event photographers for the Pleasant Prairie Triathlon. Thanks and congratulations to the entire triathlete community for your efforts in making this sport accessible to differently abled athletes. 

A jubilant celebration at the finish line for a Care2Tri competitor. 
© 2014 Focal Flame Photography | Photo credit: Clint Thayer

- by Deborah Proctor

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Lake Mills Triathlete Profile: Klaas van Zanten

Diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2003, Klaas van Zanten discovered a love of triathlon and refused to be deterred by his illness. With the help of his friend Jay Handy, he competed in the Lake Mills Triathlon and encourages others with Parkinson's to "be physically active - choose an activity you like, one that challenges you." 

Parkinson's Disease no match for determination

Eleven  years ago, Klaas van Zanten (45) of Johnson Creek, WI was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. The illness is characterized by progressive damage to the nervous system and can severely affect movement. But van Zanten was determined to keep dreaming and doing. Although he considered himself "a novice when it comes to any sporting event," van Zanten was intrigued by triathlon. "The three disciplines attracted me," he said, and he began running recreationally. "Just a little bit of exercise," he said - moments dedicated to fitness that he pursued during busy days as a father of three young children ages 12, 10, and 7.

Klaas van Zanten (right) emerges from the water at the Lake Mills Triathlon supported by his friend Jay Handy (left). (c) 2014 Focal Flame Photography. Photo credit: Josh Zytkiewicz

Given that Klaas' condition causes challenges including momentary lack of control of his body, he wasn't sure whether he could persevere during competition. "My challenge is the swim," he said soberly.

But he was encouraged by his friend Jay Handy (51) of Madison, WI, who has competed in IronMan races while managing his own condition of diabetes. After meeting in the Madison Dutch Club (Handy's wife is Dutch, as is Klaas), he two men became buddies and began training together. "We have worked on a system where I hold his head up while he lays on his back and I side stroke along," said Handy. "It has been a rather powerful and unfolding  process between the two of us. He can propel himself for about 30 yards, then poops out, I assist for 10 yards, then he goes again."

Klaas (left) and Jay (right) cross the finish line of the Lake Mills Triathlon, hand in triumphant hand. (c) 2014 Focal Flame Photography. Photo credit: Clint Thayer

On Jun 1, 2014, Klaas and Jay emerged from the open water swim portion of the Lake Mills Triathlon with jubilant grins. Together, they had done it. Klaas continued on to the bike and run portion of the race. He finished the Lake Mills Triathlon with a total time of 1 hour, 54 minutes, and 14 seconds.

When asked what message he would want to share with others living with Parkinson's Disease, Klaas minced no words. "You need to get off your tush and start doing something, get active. Whatever it is. Move around. It’s a good thing," he said. "Choose an activity you like, one that challenges you."

And surround yourself with positive people - just like his friend Jay. 

Focal Flame Photography is honored to share the story of athletes such as Klaas who have embraced a love of sports despite personal challenges. We are proud to partner with event production firms such as Race Day Events LLC - which produces the Lake Mills Triathlon and Wisconsin Tri Series - that hold safety paramount. If you are a physically challenged athlete considering participation in any race, always contact race officials prior to registration so they will know how best to support your needs. 

- by Robyn M. Perrin

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Athlete Profile, Sport Events Breanna Schmitt Athlete Profile, Sport Events Breanna Schmitt

Madison Marathon Profile: Erika Stuart

Searching for a sport that she could enjoy as a lifelong activity, Erika Stuart began running - and continued to train even with the challenges of having four children in less than six years. Viewing the event as "the gateway to a great summer," Erika looks forward to participating in another Madison Half-Marathon on June 25. 

A health teacher in high school once told Erika Stuart (46) that while organized sports were enjoyable, the schedule coordination required for team sports could be difficult to manage as an adult, and encouraged her to get involved in an athletic endeavor that she could enjoy throughout her life.  Erika started running, something she has continued to do - even while balancing the challenges of birthing four children in less than six years. Erika will be running the Madison Half Marathon on May 25 and, in hindsight, wonders why she neglected to sign up for the Twilight 10K run on May 24. "Next year," she says. 

Focal Flame Photography, the official event photography service provider for the 2014 Madison Marathon events, asked her about why she runs.

Focal Flame Photography: How many Madison Marathons or Half Marathons have you run?

Erika: I have run two Madison Half Marathons.

FFP: Do you participate in other similar events?

Erika: I have been running races and participating in running athletic events in several states for many years. I have competed in a Tin Man, triathlons, biathlons, 5K, 10K, 2-mile, and  5-mile events.

Some of my favorites include the Friehoffer's Championship 5K, Albany, New York; Vermont Marathon, Burlington, Vermont; Wellfleet 5-miler Road Race, Wellfleet, MA; and the Shamrock Shuffle and  Madison Half Marathon in Madison, Wisconsin.

FFP: Are there any personal accomplishments you would like to mention?

Erika: I took time off from running races during the years I had four children, now ages 10, 9, 7, and 4.   As with most moms, the children took over as the top priority in my life.

My youngest was born in December 2009; as the baby got older, I felt it was time to get back to what I love doing.  I set my sights on the Madison Half Marathon and felt great standing at that starting line again!!!

Erika's Personal Story

FFP: What does running and participating in events such as the Madison Marathon mean to you?

Erika: Participating in an event like the Madison Half Marathon reminds me of my own ability to stay active and healthy.  It also sets a good example for my children, two of whom have run several races with me.

FFP: With so many races to choose from, why do you participate in the Madison Marathon? What makes it special?  

Erika: The Madison Marathon/Half Marathon is a top notch event.  It is well run, a great course, well supported, and a fun and festive atmosphere.   I see it as the gateway to a great summer!! Plus, my kids love to be on the square in Madison, watching me and the other runners cross the finish line.

FFP: Do you do anything special to make the race more meaningful or fun?

Erika: I have run for leukemia and other health-related issues; maybe this year, I will step it up and have a theme. I have also encouraged others to run, walking beside first timers as they jog. This year I have a friend running the Madison Half Marathon with me who has not run a race of that distance before.

FFP: What would you tell other racers about participating in the Madison Marathon?

Erika: It is a fun, somewhat challenging event. Having run many races in several states, in my opinion, the Madison Half Marathon is one of the best I have participated in.

This article is part of a series featuring athletes who are participating in a Madison Marathon Event May 24-25 and/or November 9, 2014.  For more information or to register, visit Madison Marathon.

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Athlete Profile, Sport Events Breanna Schmitt Athlete Profile, Sport Events Breanna Schmitt

Madison Marathon Profile: Krissy Schintgen

Running has changed everything for Krissy Schintgen, a survivor of two strokes who set aside her cane and heavy medications - determined to begin running with her daughter. After completing a 5K in June 2013, Krissy completed a half-marathon in November and is training for her first full marathon. 

Triumphant runner Krissy Schintgen crosses the finish line of her first 5K alongside her daughter in June, 2013. Photo credit: Katie Richard, Focal Flame Photography

Running changes everything. Just ask Krissy Schintgen (33) of Middleton, Wisconsin. After years of struggling with the crippling effects from two strokes, Krissy decided to fight back. Starting little by little, she trained for Girls On The Run with daughter, Lily, then did the unthinkable and ran right next to Lily during the 2013 Girls On The Run 5K in June, 2013. Krissy began training for longer distances and became a half-marathon finisher at the Madison Marathon in November, 2013. She will be doing two Madison Marathon events in 2014: the half-marathon on May 25 and her first-ever full marathon on November 9.

Focal Flame Photography, the official event photography service provider for the 2014 Madison Marathon events as well as Girls On The Run of Dane County, asked her about why she runs.

Focal Flame Photography: How many Madison Marathons or Half Marathons have you run?

Krissy: One event, soon to be three.

FFP: Do you participate in other similar events?

Krissy: Yes - Glow Run, Mud Run, Color Me Rad, UW Madison Races, Shamrock Shuffle, Cannonball Run, Girls On The Run and the Parkinson's Half Marathon.

FFP: Are there any personal accomplishments you would like to mention?

Krissy: After a year of training, I ran my first Half Marathon. I also set up a virtual race and raised $1,100; 100 percent of the funds were donated to the Challenged Athletes Foundation.

FFP: I love your email moniker, "notfastjustfabulous." Is there a race story behind it?

Krissy: The name Not Fast Just Fabulous actually comes from my personal story of overcoming adversity. [Author's Note: To read more about Krissy's running journey, visit her blog Not Fast, Just Fabulous.]

Krissy's Personal Story

Krissy Schintgen rocks the 2014 Madison Shamrock Shuffle, sporting a brilliant smile despite high winds and cold temperatures. Photo credit: Clint Thayer, Focal Flame Photography

FFP: What does running and participating in events such as the Madison Marathon mean to you?

Krissy: After years of struggling with crippling pain, depression, and physical limitations due to two strokes, I decided to fight back. I threw aside my cane, stopped taking the heavy medication that left me dazed and unmotivated, and stepped outside. At first I walked, then I jogged, and now I run to remind myself that anything is possible.

FFP: With so many races to choose from, why do you participate in the Madison Marathon? What makes it special?  

Krissy: It’s a special race because it was where I accomplished my biggest and most inspirational personal goal ever.

FFP: Do you do anything to make the race more meaningful or fun?

Krissy: Last November I crossed the finish line with two extremely amazing pacers who believed in me when I wanted to quit;  I wore a pink tutu and cape that read “Not Fast Just Fabulous”. This May’s half marathon will be special because my husband will be running with me, his first race ever! In November, I will be running my first MARATHON…. and with my husband! We are going to be wearing wedding apparel and renewing our vows at the finish line for our 10 year anniversary! 

FFP: What would you tell other racers about participating in the Madison Marathon?

Krissy: Running reminds me that my disabilities do NOT define me. I hope that my journey will help motivate and inspire others to dream beyond their abilities and take it one step at a time.

- article by Deborah Proctor

This article is part of a series featuring athletes who are participating in a Madison Marathon Event May 24-25 and/or November 9, 2014.  For more information or to register, visit Madison Marathon.

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Athlete Profile, Sport Events Breanna Schmitt Athlete Profile, Sport Events Breanna Schmitt

Madison Marathon Profile: Gowtham

An accomplished researcher and avid runner, Gowtham holds the Madison Marathon in high esteem. "What makes the overall experience special is the overall ambiance and atmosphere of the event," he said. 

Gowtham is an HPC Research Scientist, an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Physics and Electrical and Computer Engineering and NSF XSEDE Campus Champion at Michigan Technological University. He is also an avid runner and Madison Marathon finisher. 

An accomplished researcher, Gowtham (34), who adheres to a south Indian tradition of using a single name, is a research scientist and Adjunct Assistant Professor of physics at  Michigan Tech University in Houghton, Michigan. His interests include photography and exploring wilderness and natural beauty. He makes the 6-plus hour drive from Michigan's Upper Penninsula (informally known in the Upper Midwest as the "Yoop") to Madison to run the Madison Marathon with friends. Focal Flame Photography, the official event photography service provider for the 2014 Madison Marathon events, asked him about why he runs.

Focal Flame Photography: How many Madison Marathons have you run?

Gowtham: 1 in November 2013

FFP: How many total marathons or half marathons have  you run?

Gowtham:  3 so far

FFP: Do you participate in other similar events?

Gowtham: I am slowly training toward my first triathlon in 2015.

Gowtham's Personal Story

FFP: What does running and participating in events such as the Madison Marathon mean to you?

Gowtham: The feeling of community and belonging to one, even though I might not be living in it on a daily basis. It's a very humbling experience to see unselfish support from people I have never seen before and/or might never see again. 

FFP: With so many races to choose from, why do you participate in the Madison Marathon? What makes it special?  

Gowtham: I have many friends from Michigan Tech that are either from Green Bay, Madison, or the Milwaukee area or have moved there since their graduation, and I don't to get to see them as often as I would like. The decision to participate in Madison Marathon was based on wanting to visit and spend some quality time with them.

What makes the overall experience special is the overall ambiance and atmosphere of the event. It is, the first of my 'big city' races and the biggest of the races I have either volunteered or participated in. The awesomeness of the course that winds through friendly residential and scenic areas alike, and the support I receive from the volunteers, aid stations, police officers, and people who make fantastic signs to cheer racers on makes this the most memorable half marathon event outside the "Yoop."

FFP: Do you do anything to make the race more meaningful or fun?

Gowtham: Most of my races have been with friends. For Madison Marathon 2013, we were a group of five friends varying in experience from novice to experienced half marathon, triathlon, and IronMan competitors. Other friends cooked for us the night before and seemed to be present with their cheerful faces at every major turn. Running and being with them helps me bond and learn more about them.

FFP: What would you tell other racers about participating in the Madison Marathon?

Gowtham: It's money well spent and an experience one cannot easily forget.  I have done one other big city half marathon with even more registered racers but it wouldn't even hold a candle to Madison Marathon's finish area experience. The Madison Marathon is something I will never forget – crossing the finish line, I felt like a hero in the ancient Roman Colosseum  (even at shabby 2 hour 43 minutes).

FFP: Is there anything else about your journey as a runner that you would like to share?

Gowtham: I am very passionate about my work and devote insanely long hours to it but I am grateful to the friends I have who share their knowledge and expertise and make me a better person overall. I want to get better as a runner. Running has certainly changed my life and life style -- helping me learn more about myself and everyone around me.

- article by Deborah Proctor

This article is part of a series featuring athletes who are participating in a Madison Marathon Event May 24-25 and/or November 9, 2014.  For more information or to register, visit Madison Marathon.

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Athlete Profile, Sport Events Breanna Schmitt Athlete Profile, Sport Events Breanna Schmitt

Madison Marathon Athlete Profile: Michele Prieve Wilkinson

Michele Prieve Wilkinson of Milton, Wisconsin, ran her first 5K in 2003 to support a friend with breast cancer, only to be diagnosed with cancer herself in 2008. Undeterred, she persevered and continues to beat the disease by crossing the finish line of every race she enters, outfitted in a pink cape in honor of breast cancer survivors.

A dedicated runner, triathlete, and cancer survivor, Michele Prieve Wilkinson shares an embrace after a successful IronMan race.

Running can create superheroes. Just ask Michele Prieve Wilkinson (45) of Milton, Wisconsin, who ran her first 5K in 2003 to raise money for a friend with breast cancer. On 9/22/2008 the disease struck even closer to home when Michele herself was diagnosed with cancer. A fitness manager for an athletic club, she continues to beat cancer by crossing the finish line of every race she enters - persevering each time in honor of a cancer survivor. Focal Flame Photography, the official event photography service provider for the 2014 Madison Marathon events, asked her about why she runs.


Q&A with Milton, WI runner Michele Prieve Wilkinson

Focal Flame Photography: How many Madison Marathons or Half Marathons have you run

Wilkinson: I have run the Madison Half Marathon six times.

FFP: How many total marathons or half marathons have you run?

Wilkinson: Two full marathons and sixteen half marathons.

FFP: Do you participate in other similar events? What are a few of your favorites?

Wilkinson:  I have participated in two IronMans and three half IronMans. My favorites are Madison Marathon, Wisconsin Marathon, and IronMan Wisconsin.

FFP: Are there any personal accomplishments you would like to mention?

Wilkinson: I finish every race I enter.

Michele's Story

FFP: With so many races to choose from, why do you participate in the Madison Marathon?

Wilkinson: I really enjoy events in the Madison area as it was my hometown for 38 years.  It is truly an incredible city and it makes my heart happy to run on the streets of such a beautiful community.

FFP: Do you do anything to make the race more meaningful or fun?

WilkinsonFor the past 5.5 years I have run almost every race wearing a pink cape to celebrate being a breast cancer survivor.  Each race I run in honor of a cancer survivor, to celebrate them and all they have been through.  This keeps me present during a race. When times get tough I remind myself that they cannot give up, so I can't give up either and I can push through for a short time. 

I typically do all races with a friend but this year I am challenging myself to run this marathon solo.  I will be racing every race in honor of my father, E. Arthur (Al) Prieve, who passed away on March 19. I can't think of a better way to celebrate the incredible life that he led than to run through the streets that he called home for 50+ years.

FFP: What would you tell other racers about participating in the Madison Marathon?

Michelle: The race is extremely well run, the course is beautiful and Madison is a great place to be!

FFP: Is there anything else about your journey as a runner that you would like to share? 

WilkinsonI ran my very first 5K, the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, in 2003.  That race sparked my love for running and in turn was there to support me from my diagnosis forward.  That race (and diagnosis) makes me want to continue to live life to the fullest! Distance running makes me feel alive — my goal is to finish each race that I enter, having the best time possible.  Let's face it, I won't ever "win", but when I cross the finish line I have beaten cancer one more time ... so, yes, I have "won" many races. :)

- article by Deborah Proctor

This article is part of a series featuring athletes who are participating in a Madison Marathon Event May 24-25 and/or November 9, 2014.  For more information or to register, visit Madison Marathon.


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Athlete Profile, Sport Events Breanna Schmitt Athlete Profile, Sport Events Breanna Schmitt

Madison Marathon Athlete Profile: Joe Kilkus

Wondering who's in contention to win the 2014 Madison Half-Marathon? Joe Kilkus (25) of Madison, Wisconsin is a runner to watch as he seeks to repeat his win from 2013. 

Madison runner Joe Kilkus at the 2013 Lake Monona 20K race. Photo (c) 2013 Focal Flame Photography Photo credit: Clint Thayer

Wondering who is in contention to win the 2014 Madison Half-Marathon on May 25? Joe Kilkus (25) of Madison, Wisconsin is a runner to watch as he seeks to repeat his win from 2013. Kilkus used the 2011 Spring Madison Half Marathon to "test the waters" for his first full marathon in the fall. He loved kicking off his spring training with this event so much that he ran it again in 2012 and raced to victory in 2013. Focal Flame Photography, the official event photography service provider for the 2014 Madison Marathon events, asked him about why he runs.

Q&A with Madison, WI runner Joe Kilkus

Focal Flame Photography: What does running and participating in events such as the Madison Marathon mean to you?

Kilkus: Running means a lot to me.  I really enjoy being able to just throw on a pair of shoes and forget about everything but running for an hour or so.  I was the slowest guy on my college team as a freshman, and every year after that I kept improving so I started to love running more and more.  By my senior year I was finishing in the middle of the pack for most races. I guess I wasn't ready to be done competing.  Participating in events like the Madison half marathon is how I continue to compete not only against others but also against myself.

FFP: With so many races to choose from, why do you participate in the Madison Marathon? What makes it special?  

Kilkus: After graduating from college in 2010 I decided I wanted to run longer races, and when I moved to Madison I found the Madison Marathon fit perfectly into my spring training plans. The race has a bit of sentimental value to me since it was my first half marathon, so every year since then this has been my big race for the spring where I really want to perform at my best.

FFP: Do you do anything to make the race more meaningful or fun?

Kilkus: I do have a lucky jersey that I wear when I want to run really well and need a little bit of extra good luck.  Most people don't expect to see a guy racing in a purple Utah Jazz basketball jersey, so it's also a nice way to get cheers and support from people who don't already know me.

FFP: What would you tell other racers about participating in the Madison Marathon?

Kilkus:  Get ready for the hills.  It's a pretty fun course, but those hills are really tough.

Summary of Race Results & Personal Accomplishments

FFP: How many Madison Marathon events have you run? How many total marathons or half-marathons have you run? 

Kilkus: 4 Madison half-Marathons — Spring 2011, 2012, 2013 / Fall 2013; Spring 2014 will be my 5th. I have also run 2 Marathons (Twin Cities 2011 and 2013).

FFP: Are there any personal accomplishments you would like to mention?

Kilkus:  Men's winner of the 2013 Madison Spring half marathon.  Ran 2:34:36 at Twin Cities marathon 2013.

- article by Deborah Proctor

This article is part of a series featuring athletes who are participating in a Madison Marathon Event May 24-25 and/or November 9, 2014.  For more information or to register, visit Madison Marathon.

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Athlete Profile, Sport Events Breanna Schmitt Athlete Profile, Sport Events Breanna Schmitt

Madison Marathon Athlete Profile: Jason Kasperski

Jason said, "After I hit my weight loss goal, I decided I would run a Marathon for each of the surgeries my daughter had. I look forward to presenting her with her first medal after crossing the Madison Marathon finish line in November."

Jason Kasperski (37) of Madison, Wisconsin, has chosen to "Conquer the Capitol," a Madison Marathon series featuring a back-to-back twilight 10K on May 24, followed by a half-marathon May 25; he will complete the series with his first full marathon on November 9. Focal Flame Photography, the official event photography service provider for the 2014 Madison Marathon events, asked him about why he runs.

FFP: How many Madison Marathons or Half Marathons have you run?

Jason Kasperski, shown at the UW Running Club Valentine's 5k with daughter Brittney. Photo credit:  Krissy Schintgen

Jason: One — I completed my first half Madison Marathon in November 2013. I will be running the Parkinson's Half this spring as well as the Twilight 10K and Madison Half Marathon in May. I am looking forward to my first full Madison Marathon in November.

FFP: Are there any personal accomplishments you would like to mention?

Jason: When I started running in August of 2012 distance running was the furthest thing from my mind, I was only focused on losing weight. By March of 2013 I had lost 100 pounds and was looking to run my first half marathon.


FFP: What does running and participating in events such as the Madison Marathon mean to you?

Jason:  After I hit my weight loss goal, I decided I would run a marathon for each of the surgeries my daughter had. I look forward to presenting her with her first medal after crossing the Madison Marathon finish line in November. 

FFP: If it is not too personal, please tell me a little more about your daughter and how she motivates you.

Jason: Brittney (8) was born with Spina Bifida.  She is in a wheelchair but is able to walk short distances with a walker. To date she has had 18 surgeries ranging from ear tubes to open heart and brain surgery, to most recently a spinal fusion.

One icy day, I took her on a run around Lake Monona with my run group and she loved it. We ran in the UW Running Club Valentine's 5k together (she beat me by a hair). I hope to run with her in more races. 

I started a Facebook page earlier this year that tells a bit of Brittney's story.

 FFP: With so many races to choose from, why do you participate in the Madison Marathon?

Jason:  I chose the Madison Marathon as my first marathon from a logistical standpoint.  Living in Madison, it was a no brainer. I love the sights of the city and am familiar with most of the course.

FFP: Do you do anything to make the race more meaningful or fun?

Jason: Running with friends always helps with training, but when it comes to a race, I run for my daughter – that holds me accountable to do my best.

FFP: What would you tell other racers about participating in the Madison Marathon?

Jason: The same thing I tell myself — Prepare for it. Train hard and have fun.

FFP: You have chosen to "Conquer the Capitol" – a back- to-back twilight 10K and half marathon in the spring and a full marathon in the fall. Briefly, what would you tell other racers about participating in this race?

Jason: This will be my first time attempting it.  I would say, push yourself, you never know what you can achieve.

- article by Deborah Proctor

This article is part of a series featuring athletes who are participating in a Madison Marathon Event May 24-25 and/or November 9, 2014.  For more information or to register, visit Madison Marathon.

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Athlete Profile: Lisa Hayes, Pardeeville Triathlon

by Deborah Proctor

When you live in IRONMAN Wisconsin territory, it is not surprising to learn that triathlons are more popular than ever before. If you drive the roads of Dane County late afternoons and weekends, it is impossible not to come upon runners and bikers in bright colored jerseys getting their training time in. 

Exponential growth in the sport is not just a Dane County phenomenon. According to USA Triathlon, a membership organization that tracks the figures on this cross discipline sport, triathlon participation is at an all time high in the US, experiencing double digit growth for 8 of the past 10 years. According to a survey by the Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA) nearly 2 million individuals competed in at least one triathlon in 2011.

Who are triathletes? Their average age is 38, with the majority of participants between the ages of 25 and 50. Nearly 60% are male; 40% are female. While triathletes pursue a wide variety of lifestyles and occupations, most are married, and many have children at home and work in office settings.

That description fits Lisa Hayes, from Waterloo, WI, who participated in her first Triathlon on her 37th birthday, on July 6, 2013. I asked Lisa about her first race. Here is what she shared with me (FFP):

FFP: What  was your inspiration/motivation to enter thePardeeville Triathlon?  "A woman I work with who has done many, many triathlons was forming a "team" and since the race fell on my birthday I thought it would be a nice way to challenge myself.  I am primarily a runner...a slow one and always said I could never do a triathlon, but being encouraged by others convinced me and I made the jump." 

FFP: When did you decide to do the Tri and how did you prepare"I did not decide to do the event until late April. That did not give me much time to prepare.  My game plan was to do each sport 2x/week at the minimum."

"I really enjoyed the cross training. I think it helped my running a bit. But I am an awful swimmer! A friend who had some swim coaching gave me some pointers.  I also made sure to do some open water swimming and even participated in one Aquathon. Just something to work on for my next tri."

FFP: What was your biggest challenge to competing in this race? "Open water swimming.  I can do it but I panic and then just breast stroke, which is not very fast or efficient."

FFP: What was the best thing about competing in the Pardeeville Tri?"Seeing my husband and kids along the course and at the finish line!"

When asked how she felt about all the hard work and training, culminating in her first triathlon, Lisa expressed the attitude of many first timers who nervously eye the water course and then say, "I am as ready as I am going to it is just time to enjoy."

Did competing inspire Lisa to compete in future events?"Absolutely," she replied,"I am thinking of doing the (Race Day Events) tri series next year.  I am also planning on doing the Waterloo Fit City Tri, Color Me Rad (purely for fun), and the Haunted Hustle."

As a first time triathlete, Lisa was thrilled that race organizer, Race Day Events in conjunction with Focal Flame Photography provided complimentary photos as part of her race packet. "The photos were awesome!  I was so excited that they were complimentary too...that NEVER happens in a race!

She added,"If I had to pick between 2 races on the same day...I would pick the Race Day event."

In a follow up email to Ryan Griessmeyer at Race Day Events, Lisa said in part, "Thanks for sponsoring Pardeeville Triathlon race photos from Focal Flame Photography!...This was my first triathlon that I have ever done!  It is so awesome that I get some great pictures to go with my experience!  Thank you!!!!"

In the end, Lisa declared the Pardeeville Triathlon an "Amazing experience!"  and a "Great way to spend my birthday!" It doesn't get much better than that.


So how about you? Do you, like Lisa, feel that you could never do a triathlon? Does her experience encourage you to "tri"? Tell us why or why not on FacebookGoogle+, or Twitter!

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