Skirt Chaser 5K: A Whole Lot of Chasin' Goin' On

Remember in grade school when the boys used to chase the girls around the playground? He likely chased her just to annoy her — a sign of affection. And her? She ran away squealing but slowed down if there was any real threat of his losing track of her. There was a whole lot of chasingoin' on and it was all good fun.

Would you like to recapture the thrill of the chase (or being chased)?  You can at your nearest Skirt Chaser 5K.

What is a Skirt Chaser? It is a battle of the sexes that pits the boys against girls in a race to the finish line, where whichever sex finishes first gets free beer at the post race party.

So girls, grab your skirts — provided as an optional upgrade to women’s race packages by Skirt Sports, the women’s athletic clothing company that created the original fitness skirt — toe the starting line, and take full advantage of your 3-minute head start before the guys start chasing you. Admit it guys, you never had it so good.

When asked why Race Day Events chose to partner with Skirt Sports in bringing the Skirt Chaser to Madison, race director, RyanGriessmeyer, said, "We feel it is a perfect match for the area...It is fun and challenging for all levels.and he added that "the battle of the sexes component should be pretty interesting in such a strong running community."

How does a Skirt Chaser 5K work? As on the playground the guys chase the girls, but the girls (skirts) are not going to slow down to let the guys catch them this time — after all, unlike other fun run 5Ks, the Skirt Chaser is a timed race and the winning sex gets the beer. Everyone gathers for a fun after-race party with themed awards, games, music, and a fashion show and dance contest hosted by Skirt Sports.

The swag and prize packages for the Skirt Chaser 5K are, in a word, SWEET. They’re also carefully planned to stoke some friendly competition. For the Madison race on September 28, 2013, cash prizes are $500 to the overall winner and $250 to the fastest finisher of the opposite sex. Gift card prizes from Quaker Steak and Lube run 10 deep into both men’s and women’s fields, and all participants receive a free pint glass….plus, of course, FocalShare complimentary digital photos from Focal Flame Photography so you can share your battle-of-the-sexes triumph with all your friends.

Nicole DeBoom, founder of Skirt Sports and the Skirt Chaser 5K, says,"I have spent most of my efforts helping women feel good about themselves through running and sports. I created the Skirt Chaser 5k as a way to include the men in our lives while still celebrating women."

DeBoom, loves that the race is all about relationships. Married 15 years, she sees Skirt Chaser as a date night, adding a little active fun to a couple's life. Others see the race as a way to meet other active singles — a color-coded bib system and downloadable "Looking for Love" flyers announce availability.

She likes to share the story of one couple who found love on the run. He caught up to her at mile 2 and said, "Now that I've caught you, I want to keep you. Will you marry me?" She said,  "Yes!" and Nicole hopes they will tie the knot at next year's race.

Guys chasin' girls. Can you think of a better way to get in a great work out, run a traditional 5K race, and feel the thrill of the chase as you connect with other active runners?

Don't miss out on the thrill of the chase. Register for the Skirt Chaser 5K today. Here’s the link to register for the Madison, WI Skirt Chaser 5K event

Will you be racing the Skirt Chaser 5K in Madison? Bringing friends? Tell us your story!


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