"Honoring the Athlete" Contest

You know an athlete who has a story to tell.

Maybe it’s an athlete who is working hard to break into the next level – a new competitive class, a championship event, a qualifying race. Maybe it’s an athlete who has engaged in sports to help overcome a challenge: an injury, an illness, a personal turning point. Maybe it’s an athlete who is 23 years old…or 47…or 89.

It could be a teammate. Someone you coach. A triathlete who flashes a big smile after the most brutal workouts.
Maybe it’s your husband. Your neighbor. Your sister.
Maybe it’s you.
Between now and Wednesday, April 14, 2010, nominate yourself or another athlete in the Focal Flame Photography “Honoring the Athlete” contest. One person will be chosen to receive up to four hours of photo session time (valued at $300), personal interviews with our writer, and a 36-page custom story + photo personal documentary book (valued at $400).
Let us know why you think the story deserves to be heard. We’ll help the winner capture a living legacy – one that honors who they are, and what they do.

Submit your nomination.


Cultivating the Good Eye


"Tangles" on Display at CPM Members Show