Choosing a Video Spokesperson
You’ve decided to promote your business or organization with a video. Now you need to make some decisions about who is going to speak for you. You may be thinking, “I’m not the spokesperson type, I’m not like Flo (the insurance persona) or 'the most interesting man in the world' (of beer commercial fame). The good news is that you don’t need to be any particular type of spokesperson. Instead, when you are choosing who will speak on behalf of your organization or brand, consider the following 7 attributes:
1. The spokesperson must be able to deliver a clear message.
No matter who is delivering your message, make sure they can deliver it clearly. This begins with having a clear message and getting right to the point. But beyond that it means having a spokesperson who can deliver it understandably. Clear diction is vital, of course. Good timing, inflection and an appreciation for the well-timed pause are also helpful.
2. That message must be the right one for your audience.
This requires knowing who your audience is likely to be. An audience that is experienced with your product or service will require different language and emphasis than those who are new to it. This means that the spokesperson must be comfortable with the lingo for experienced users, if that is your intended audience. Or, if you are intending to reach an audience of novices, be able to speak in accessible terms in an easygoing manner.
3. The spokesperson will become the face of your brand; choose accordingly.
When considering your choices, make sure to pick someone who fits your brand. However, they do not necessarily have to be a professional actor. Perhaps you have a client or employee who is particularly articulate and has other qualities mentioned here. Perhaps you will fit the mold yourself. But whoever it is will likely be quickly associated with your brand or image.
As the face of the brand, the spokesperson should be able to appropriately represent your values, message and mission. Giving your brand a face gives your audience someone with whom they can connect.
4. A spokesperson should be someone your audience can relate to easily.
People are more willing to listen to someone who is like them. They see the spokesperson’s successful interaction with the product or service could easily be their own. This means being aware of your target audience and choosing a spokesperson, or spokespeople that resonates with that audience.
5. Authentic and genuine are good qualities for a spokesperson.
The best spokespeople believe in their message. This will shine through on a video. Authentic enthusiasm can be contagious, and a spokesperson who is genuinely enthusiastic can be highly effective. So look for someone who radiates that positive belief in your message and enthusiasm for your product or cause.
6. Credibility is key.
Depending upon your organization, the person who can speak to it with the most credibility might be yourself, a client or user, an employee, or another professional within your industry. People will respond to someone who knows what they are talking about. Oftentimes large companies choose a celebrity spokesperson, but it is certainly not necessary to do so.
7. A spokesperson should be willing to take direction.
Regardless of who your spokesperson is, they should be willing to take some direction. Obviously an outside spokesperson should be willing to work with suggestions from people within the organization. Further, no matter who is acting as spokesperson, they should be willing to take direction from the professionals on our video staff, as they are adept and experienced at helping people get their message across.
No matter who you end up selecting to speak for you. Have them check out our tips for spokespeople.
Focal Flame Photography provides video production for businesses and nonprofits. We work with people who are striving to make an impact in their industries, for their clients and customers, and in their communities. Contact us today.