Take Two: the Wisconsin Du Series
Love the idea of multisport, but not so into swimming? Or perhaps you’re a triathlete seeking a great dry land race? Check out the Wisconsin Du Series, a season-long fling with just two things – biking and running. With races from June to October and locations in south-central and southeastern Wisconsin, the series offers a beautiful way to explore the state and some great competitive experiences.
Focal Flame Photography is honored to offer free FocalShare™ race photos at all Wisconsin Du Series events produced by Tick Tock Timing. To learn more about the series and its kickoff event, the Cooney Duathlon on Saturday, May 23, 2015, we caught up with Paul Eicher of Tick Tock Timing.
Focal Flame Photography: For those who have never done a duathlon before, what should they expect from the Wisconsin Du Series races?
Paul Eicher/Tick Tock Timing: They should expect a fun, safe and challenging multisport event - A professionally produced race with a big event mentality and a hometown feel.
FFP: How does the points system work for this series?
TTT: The Wisconsin DU Series consists of 5 Duathlons throughout the spring, summer and fall months in the Milwaukee and Madison area. Coveted series point are awarded following each event, and championship awards are presented at the end of the series. The first place male and female receive the total amount of allotted points for the race, with points descending for each place thereafter. Details on the series rules can be found on our series info page on our website.
FFP: What is the course like for the Cooney Duathlon?
TTT: The Cooney Duathlon course includes a 2 mile flat and fast out-and-back run with music at the turn around point, a 20 mile bike course with rolling hills, and another 2 miles of running. This provides great opportunities to see fellow competitors pushing themselves before smiling your way through to the finish line for the camera. It’s a good course to test your limits and push yourself harder than you normally might for a longer event.
FFP: How can experienced athletes leverage the Wisconsin Du Series as part of their competitive season?
TTT: A duathlon has the same fun and thrilling atmosphere as a triathlon but without the cold swim. It’s a challenging event but offers a great way for new multisport athletes to get into the sport. Some athletes use duathlon series races as more of a "training race" to get a GREAT workout in and practice race specific skills before other "A" races in their season. Other athletes use duathlon series races as their main focus to test themselves and push their bodies to the limits year-round.
FFP: Any advice for those beginning multisport athletes who aren't familiar with bike-run or run-bike transitions?
TTT: Yes, I have three tips for beginning multisport athletes who are not familiar with transitions.
• Practice makes perfect
• Keep it simple
• Take your time
Don't be afraid to ask a friend or look online for help or to practice in your lawn before race day. You will be glad you did.
FFP: What makes the Wisconsin Du Series special?
TTT: We welcome everyone with open arms into the Wisconsin Duathlon Series – speed-focused or fun-focused, all ages, young, male, female, experienced and beginners alike. We pride ourselves in putting on events for YOU and giving you the personal attention you deserve. Our mission is simple: we help people have fun, get active, and smile. I believe that helps make the Duathlon series special, and we also set ourselves apart by offering the only Duathlon series in the area.
FFP: What else would you like participants to know?
TTT: A portion of every Duathlon series event registration goes to Team Marissa, a non-profit near and dear to our hearts. Team Marissa was founded to honor the amazing life of Marissa Lieblang, who lost her battle with cancer at the age of five. The purpose of Team Marissa is not only to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer research but to help those families who are currently affected by childhood cancer.
Additionally, during the Cooney Duathlon we will be announcing the news and opening up registration for the big new EPIC Duathlon series championship. Discounted pricing for the 2015 EPIC Duathlon will be offered to 2015 Cooney Duathlon participants. Check out our Facebook Page and website for news and updates.