Taking Care of Business: Dancing Lotus Fitness Studio

Dancing Lotus Fitness Studio, as you can probably tell by the name, is not your run-of-the-mill fitness center or gym. Located in Lake Mills, Wisconsin, Dancing Lotus is dedicated to the philosophy held by owner Erica Neis that fitness should be nurtured through music and movement. Recently, Erica also established Journey of Life Wellness Studio and plans to offer a range of services and workshops on different wellness modalities. The goal? “Dancing Lotus Fitness and Journey of Life will work hand-in-hand to make Lake Mills and the surrounding area the healthiest, happiest place to be,” said Erica.

Focal Flame Photography recently photographed Erica and her staff in action during a dynamic class session. We asked Erica about Dancing Lotus and why she chose Focal Flame Photography to create a  library of commercial photographs.

Dancing Lotus Fitness Zumba sessions are full of vitality. The studio is housed in a former church; stained glass and high ceilings add to the ambiance while instructor Erica Neis (center) leads a high-energy class. © 2014 Focal Flame Photography | Photo credit: Clint Thayer

Focal Flame Photography: Tell us a little about Dancing Lotus Fitness studio. What are Zumba® classes like? Who takes them? What can a first-timer expect?
Erica Neis: You do NOT need to have dance or fitness experience to enjoy Zumba classes.  It is our job, as instructors, to show you the moves and to make it easier for you.  All you need to do is follow along and HAVE FUN! 

Our participants, who range from age 13 to seniors, come from all walks of life, and everyone is welcome! Many are just beginning their fitness journey, and many others are very fit and active already. 

Classes, which do not require advanced registration, are typically 45 minutes long. The first class is only $5, then you have the option of dropping in or purchasing a variety of punch cards and passes that offer significant savings.

Classes open and close with a moment of centering. © 2014 Focal Flame Photography | Photo credit: Clint Thayer

Focal Flame: What have been the most interesting trends you’ve seen within your industry?
In addition to the obvious physical benefits, people seem to be looking for fitness options that serve them emotionally and spiritually.  With busy lives and sometimes limited financial resources, people today need to get the most out of their "me time" and look for workouts that are just as much "therapy" as they are fitness.

Focal Flame: Are there any ways that your company tries to give back to the local community? 
We offer a free class Zumba class nearly every month, and often other classes as well!  Check out our schedule and monthly calendar at dancinglotusfit.com. We also make donations to various local groups and events throughout the year. 

Focal Flame: What made you decide to commission this series of photographic images?
Our business and promotional photos were almost two years old and way out of date. Our Dancing Lotus Fitness (DLF) family had changed and grown, and we needed a fresh marketing image. We wanted to capture the joyful, welcoming, "family" feel that makes Dancing Lotus Fitness what it is today. 

Focal Flame: Why did you choose Focal Flame to produce them? What thoughts do you have about the experience?
I met Clint when the idea of a photography business was just a glimmer in his eye.  I have watched his business grow and have seen his amazing work with fitness and athletic photography.  I knew he could capture amazing moments in motion. We enjoyed every minute of having Clint at the studio. The photographs are beyond fabulous!

For more information on Dancing Lotus Fitness Studio look for Dancing Lotus Fitness on Facebook, email erica@dancinglotusfit.com, or call 920-342-4381.

Need to freshen your marketing image? Want to capture the dynamism of your business in action? Contact Focal Flame Photography today. Our team of photographers would love to help you.

- Interview by Deborah Proctor


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